Lawmaker's racial diatribe against his opponent draws criticism



A state legislator from Long Island is criticized for a racially charged rant against his opponent in the next Democratic primary.

Earlene Hooper, member of the assembly, made these remarks to his constituents at a candidate forum in Hempstead on Thursday. The Assistant Speaker of the Assembly is facing the main challenge of another African-American woman, the new political Taylor Raynor

Speaking for more than five minutes, the 30-year-old incumbent Never mentioned his opponent by name, but seems to compare Raynor to a slave working on behalf of Nassau County Democratic Party President Jay Jacobs, who is white

"When we are in the plantations, Someone decided to run away, and the person who happened to be in the good graces of the master would say about Big Jim, who intends to run away when it's dark, that's what happened now, we have a plantation, "said Hooper, adding," The white man has deceived us outside of Africa. "Raynor accuses Hooper of trying to "divide and conquer" a district composed mostly of minority voters, she calls Hoope To apologize.

"She insinuated that I was a slave," says Raynor. "She never mentioned one thing she actually did in the district."

Jacobs says Hooper's comments are "discrediting."

"The remarks are really, really as bad as they are." Jacobs says:

News 12 contacted Hooper for a comment but did not receive a response

Some residents of Hempstead, like Jamal Glenn, say that they are shocked to hear terms like "plantation" used at a political forum.

But d & # 39; Others say that the assembly has accumulated goodwill in the community for years and that it still has its votes.

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