Earlier today, we reported that after the release of Priyanka Chopra from the film directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, Bharat, the director had locked up a new actress. In fact, an official announcement by Katrina Kaif joining the Bharat cast was published. Well, a few hours later, the main actor of the movie, Salman Khan, fell on the Internet and became viral.
Evident of the image, Salman changed his hair game and is seen wearing a typical 70's hairstyle. He is seen wearing a plain white ganji and matching pants while posing on the sets. He has already started shooting and everything is planned to give us a magnum opus extending over 60 years! The film is a remake of a Korean film Ode To My Father and is one of Salman's most ambitious projects. The film is all the rage in the media because her grandmother, Priyanka Chopra, announced her engagement to Nick Jonas and radically left the film. The creators did not waste any time and boarded Katrina Kaif, in the & # 39; Nick & # 39; of the time.
They officially announced it today. Director Ali Abbas Zafar, who is also a close friend of Katrina, said: "I am very happy to be working again with Katrina Kaif and Salman Khan for Bharat, we have had exciting collaborations in the past and have been working with them. is very interesting to work again with the duet.It is very nice to work again with the immensely talented actress. "
It's really exciting to see the much loved Salman Khan – Katrina Kaif Jodi on the screen after their latest movie, Tiger Zinda Hai. We can not help but look forward to more looks from the slopes. Apart from Salman and Katrina, Disha Patani and Tabu will be considered pivotal roles in the film. Disha also took to Insta recently to share her character name and a new look. Discover the look of Disha below.
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