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Posted: Thursday, July 05, 2018 @ 20:51

An estimated 30.3 million Americans have diabetes, the seventh leading cause of death in the country.

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According to the Centers for Disease Control, people who are overweight or obese, over the age of 45, or genetically predisposed may develop prediabetes, a condition in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetic. in 3 US adults with prediabetes and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

A new study published Monday in the journal BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care suggests another risk factor for diabetes in women: overwork. ] For the study, scientists examined data from 7,065 Canadians over a 12-year period.

They found that women who worked on average 45 hours or more had a 63% higher risk of developing

When the numbers were adjusted for common risk factors such as smoking, the amount of 39, exercise, body mass index and alcohol consumption, the researchers did not find any significant reduction in effects.

Unlike women, executioner men do not run the same increased risk.

"Even when men and women do a similar job, women earn less. Of course, this would have an impact on women's health. Think of the stress of working harder and getting less, "said study co-author Mahee Gilbert-Ouimet at CNN

Gilbert-Ouimet noted that women are more likely to To have unpaid work outside the office. compared to men, adding specific stressors to women

"It is important for us to study women.They are still undervalued in most areas of health, is really a shame, because if we take a closer look, there are still big inequalities, "she said.Other studies, reported CNN, have shown that women working long hours can also being exposed to an increased risk of developing heart problems.

Extreme fatigue due to overwork can also lead to despair., a symptom of depression. While some workaholics do not see the harmful effects of exaggerated things, " other workaholics are immobilized by stress and are suffering from debilitating anxiety, "writes psychologist Barbara Killinger for Psychology Today in 2013." Unfortunately, all this cumulative stress can lead to havoc. cerebrovascular diseases and heart attacks, or what the Japanese call "karoshi", death by overwork.

It is estimated that 439 million people worldwide (and 1.1 million in Georgia) will be diagnosed with diabetes by 2030, an increase of 50% over 2010

Gilbert- Ouimet and her team suggest that promoting a regular work week of 35 to 40 hours could be an effective strategy for preventing the condition in women, but future studies should consider how family responsibilities, health behaviors and the hours of work are intimately linked. with the risk of diabetes.

Some limitations, according to the researchers, include potential unrecognized changes in hours of work over time and the lack of distinction between type 1 and type 2 diabetes in participants' health records.

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