The annual all-star game of the Major League Baseball is underway. This year is the 89th edition of the Nationals Park in Washington
The launch match for the second year in a row includes Max Scherzer of the Nationals hosts who face Chris Sale of the Red Sox in a Star Match battle. Veterans. The AL is run by A.J. Hinch of the Astros, while Dave Roberts of the Dodgers oversees NL's lineup.
We have live updates of all the actions below in our live blog. Looking for more? Here's how to watch all the action and an update on the time in DC and below you'll find the queuing queues .
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All-Star Game: Live updates from Nationals Park
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League of American League start
- Mookie Betts, RF, Red Sox
- Jose Altuve, 2B, Astros
- Mike Trout, CF, Angels of Los Angeles
- JD Martinez, DH, Red Sox
- Jose Ramirez, 3B, Cleveland Indians
- Aaron Judge, LF, New York Yankees
- Manny Machado, SS, Baltimore Orioles
- Jose Abreu, 1B, White Sox Chicago [19659009] Salvador Perez, C, Royal of Kansas City
Chris Sale, SP, Red Sox
National League lineup
- Javier Baez, 2B, Chicago Cubs
- Nolan Arenado, Colorado, Colorado 3B
- Paul Goldschmidt, DH , Arizona Diamondbacks
- Freddie Freeman, 1B, Atlanta Braves
- Matt Kemp, LF, Dodgers
- Bryce Harper, FC, Nationals
- Nick Markaki s, RF, Atlanta Braves
- Brandon Crawford, SS, San Francisco Giants
- Willson Contreras, C, Chicago Cubs
Max Scherzer, SP, Nationals
Reminder: This Year's Game will not have any impact on the field advantage in the World Series . As for the stakes, they are reasonably high as the baseball games go. Here's what you need to know about the All-Star Game:
- The series is tied 43-43-2 and the scores total 361 points for both teams across 88 games.
- has won the last five games of the Stars and 12 of the last 15.
- This is the second time in history that the same throwers have started against each other in consecutive years. This goes back to Red Ruffing of the Yankees and Paul Derringer of the Reds in 1939-40
- Dirty begins for the third year in a row, joining the Hall of Fame Lefty Gomez (1933-1935) and Robin Roberts (1955-1955) ) as the only pitchers to start three consecutive games.
- Scherzer will become the 12th pitcher to start the Midsummer Classic in his baseball stadium and the first since Matt Harvey of the New York Mets at Citi Field in 2013.
- Bryce Harper and Max Scherzer have the opportunity to become the first to win the MVP All-Star Game at home since Pedro Martinez at Fenway Park in 1999.
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