Museveni Woos Brics in East Africa


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"Good infrastructure would allow us to trade more easily with Congo, Sudan, Ethiopia, and more easily connect the outside world to the ports of Mombasa, Dar-es-Salaam, Lamu, Tanga

BRICS leaders pose for a photo in Sandton, South Africa

President Yoweri Museveni told the new BRICS economic group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) that They or their He mentioned infrastructure elements such as the construction of electricity generating units, modern railways, some roads, some health units and some tourism units in East Africa Region 19659006] "The rate of return on investment in East Africa is still in the order of 11%, compared to 9% in Europe, 8% in Latin America and 13% in Asia. to improve, "he said in his address to the BRICS Africa Summit on Sensitization at the Sandton International Convention Center in Johannesburg, South Africa

" On the infrastructure side, I point out in particular the plan we have for the Kenya Railroad, through Uganda to Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan and Ethiopia. Tanzania is also developing a standard railway line from Dar-es-Salaam to Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and across Lake Tanganyika in Congo. These good infrastructures would allow us to trade more easily with Congo, Sudan, Ethiopia, and to connect more easily the outside world with the ports of Mombasa, Dar-es-Salaam, Lamu, Tanga, etc. ", he said.

The president as current president of the EAC represented the 6 African countries of the East African Community as president for This year, the East African Community (EAC) includes Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, and Uganda.

"EAC has already achieved the status of the Common Market and the Customs Union. This has helped companies in East Africa to grow. There are a number of industries that greatly benefit from this integration of East African markets: cement, steel, milk, cereals and cereals, veterinary drugs, to name a few. It will also benefit automobiles manufactured or assembled in East Africa, pharmaceuticals, certain electronic machinery, and so on. ", he said, cereals, fruits, dairy products, fishery products, forest products, beverages, minerals such as iron ore, copper, nickel, tungsten, cobalt, coltan, etc.

These minerals produce steel and copper in all basic industries also alloys for metal products for specialized purposes such as heat resistance We no longer want to export raw materials for which we receive only 10% of value and export jobs.

President mocked Africans protesting against BRICS, saying that they do not seem to know who their enemy is

"We welcome, congratulate and encourage BRICS countries to continue and, when we need them, we coordinate. I am surprised to see people who describe themselves as African "protesters" against the BRICS. These Africans do not seem to know who their enemy is. If you do not know, ask; do not kutomera (bump in some situations). The BRICS countries have always been part of our struggles, or they are part of us (Brazil) or were, in fact, part of the struggles (South Africa). The BRICS and ourselves have the right to organize for mutual support, "he said.

Several groups had previously protested near the Sandton International Convention Center, but protests in general did not stop

His Excellency Mr. Ramaphosa, President of South Africa, and all their Excellencies who are here today, I here represent the six African countries of the African Community. from East as President for this year.The East African Community (EAC) includes Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan and South Africa. Uganda Our population is now 168 million people and our combined GDP (PPP) is now 440 billion US dollars.In 2050, the East African population will be 878 236,244 inhabitants

East Africa is of course part of the Continuous Free Trade Area. (ZLEC), which includes most of the 1.25 billion people in Africa. has already reached the status of common market and customs union. This has helped companies in East Africa to grow. There are a number of industries that greatly benefit from this integration of East African markets: cement, steel, milk, cereals and cereals, veterinary drugs, to name a few. It will also benefit cars manufactured or assembled in East Africa, pharmaceutical products, certain electronic machines, etc., etc.

The BRICS countries could easily find investment opportunities in East Africa in added value to cereals, fruits, dairy products, fishery products, forest products, beverages, minerals such as ore iron, copper, nickel, tungsten, cobalt, coltan, etc.

These minerals produce steel and copper in all basic industries and are also metal alloys. products for specialized purposes such as heat resistance. We do not want to export raw materials for which we only get 10% of the value and we export jobs.

The good example in this area is the Chinese company Guanzhou DongSong Energy Group, which has invested $ 650 million in the use of Uganda's huge deposits of phosphates and iron ore to produce fertilizer and steel. The whole spectrum of other opportunities exists.

The steel and phosphate complexes will enable East Africa to save $ 420 million in imports and create 1.2 million of them. jobs. There is also a huge market of electronics and other heavy and light engineering products.

In addition, BRICS countries or their companies could invest in certain elements of the infrastructure such as the construction of power plants, modern railways, some roads, some health units and some tourism units. The rate of return on investments in East Africa is still around 11%, compared to 9% in Europe, 8% in Latin America and 13% in Asia. With regard to infrastructure, I particularly highlight the plan we have for the Kenya Railroad, from Uganda to Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. , South Sudan and Ethiopia. Tanzania is also developing a standard railway line from Dar-es-Salaam to Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and across Lake Tanganyika in Congo.

Such an infrastructure would allow us to trade more easily with the Congo, Sudan, Ethiopia, and more easily connect the outside world to the ports of Mombasa, Dar-es-Salaam, Lamu, Tanga, and so on. [19659006L'intégrationéconomiqueetpolitiquedel'Afriquedel'Estestinscritedansnotretraitéassistéeparlessimilitudesdenospeuplesentermesdelanguesetdecoutumesdeproximitégéographiqueetd'interdépendanceetleslienshistoriquesdenotrepeuplezoneonttravaillédurpouraméliorer

Above all, we are helped by the & # 39; legacy & # 39; a lingua franca in the form of Swahili, easy to learn and already historically spoken in Tanzania, Kenya, Congo, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, northern Mozambique and in the same part of Zambia and Comoros.

The benefits of 1.3 billion Chinese on an area of ​​3 million square miles, 1.25 billion Indians on an area of ​​1 million square miles, 150 million Russians on a territory of 5 , 3 million Square miles of land and 200 million Brazilians on an area of ​​3.29 million square miles are not lost and have never been lost on pan-Africanists in Africa.

Therefore, our BRICS partners should be aware of the sustained efforts of integration in Africa that end up rationalizing the interactions between us and the BRICS powers.

Finally, I salute the BRICS countries for launching this forum. . Three of the forum members were our partners in the anti-colonial struggle. These are: the Soviet Union (Russia), China and India. One of five, South Africa, was part of the resistance effort. Brazil has a large part of its population being people of African descent.

We welcome, congratulate and encourage the BRICS countries to continue and when we need them, we coordinate. I am surprised to see people who describe themselves as Africans "protesting" against the BRICS. These Africans do not seem to know who their enemy is. If you do not know, ask; do not kutomera (bump in some situations).

The BRICS countries have always been part of our struggles, or they are part of us (Brazil) or were, in fact, part of the struggles (South Africa). The BRICS and ourselves have the right to organize for mutual support.

Thank you.

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