National Basketball Players Association Executive Director Michele Roberts Responds to Criticism for Not Smoothing the Ceiling


Did CEO Michele Roberts make the right decision when she and the rest of the National Basketball Players Association chose not to allow the NBA's salary cap to be relaxed over a period of time? In an era that is dominated by warriors, LeBron James heading for the Lakers, and forcing restricted free agents to lose money?

Roberts challenged his management of the cap and, in several emails to The New York Times reacts to allegations that the players' association would have made the wrong decision to authorize the peak of the cap that occurred in 2016 thanks to a significant income from television. For Roberts, this is not a problem for the NBA and this is not a problem that should fall on the shoulders of the player. "Frankly, I've been entertained by gossip suggesting that smoothing – or more accurately failure to smooth – has now become a de jure boogeyman," Roberts said in a statement. -mail. "Although we have not yet blamed him for the assassination of MLK, some now suggest that he is responsible for everything that is presumably wrong with the NBA today. hui. "

"Needless to say, I do not agree." [19659002] …

Accepting artificially lowering the wage limit "offends our core," Roberts writes. "It would be quite counterintuitive that the union agrees to artificially lower, rather than increase, the salary cap." If we ever had to, there should be a good reason, indisputable and undisputed. this insurance in place at that time. "

For those who need a little recycling.The NBA has received a massive increase in its revenues when it accepted its most recent televised deal in 2014. The NBA salary ceiling has seen a huge increase in 2016, once this transaction comes into effect.The teams took this ceiling space and immediately spent like crazy.Some of these contracts, especially those of players such that Luol Deng, Timofey Mozgov, and Ian Mahinmi look like giant mistakes today.Many NBA teams have used their full place early and now the current players, such as Julius Randle, are nowhere near their worth The value of the player was depreciated by teams simply not having the ability to spend for everyone.

This could have been avoided if the NBA and the players' association had accepted a pro cessus that would have mitigated the ceiling. NBA spokesman Mike Bass explains how it would have worked in an email sent to the New York Times.

"According to the concept we discussed, the total wages paid to players each season would not have changed, but the smoothing would have allowed for steady, incremental increase in cap, instead of a peak of A year, "a NBA spokesperson, Mike Bass, wrote in an e-mail.

Roberts of course vehemently denies that this is a possibility. She does not believe this is a scenario as great for players as it is to increase their immediate salaries. Unfortunately for her, if the goal was to raise the average salary bar, then that failed. This may have worked for the 2016 free agency category, but the next two were denied this type of money.

The Warriors did not at all help people to not smooth the salary cap. Their acquisition of DeMarcus Cousins ​​this summer, and Kevin Durant in 2016, have left many people noticing that the rise in the salary cap is to blame. The problem with this argument is that it lacks a lot of context as to why these two players had the chance to sign up with Golden State to start.

The Warriors were able to sign Durant, because Stephen Curry was at the time on one of the cheapest contracts in the NBA for a superstar. Cousins ​​comes from a devastating Achilles injury that has reduced its value from an agent without a maximum contract to someone who would be ready to take the exception of intermediate level. Did the tip of the cap help them get those two players? Yes, but there is a context that needs to be acknowledged. We can not blame the rise in the salary cap.

There is much of the gray area in something that many want to paint in black and white. Did Roberts make the wrong decision not to allow the ceiling to be smoothed? The first indications say yes, but it has less to do with the balance of competition and more with the depreciation of player salaries.

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