"No one knows where to turn" – Parents worry about the collapse of children's mental health services


Wexford parents are becoming more and more worried about the facilities Mental health in ruins as a surveillance report revealed a serious under-staffing in this area.

Caroline Smith's 11-year-old son, who has been diagnosed with ADHD, is receiving treatment at the Slaney House Mental Health Service for Children and Adolescents in Wexford.

However, a dilapidated building, staff shortages, and the resignation of Dr. Kieran Moore, a senior psychiatrist in June, raised fears that access to treatment would soon become impossible.

"There is no psychologist now in Wexford and I do not know where to bring my son when he has problems at all.I had my last meeting at Slaney House on Friday. with his ADHD nurse and he told me Monday that he did not know it either, "Ms. Smith said.

Find a place for appointments and prioritize one patient over another "My appointments have been canceled, often because they have no place to see you. My child needs to have their blood checked from time to time, so make sure her meds are good, "she said.

"Once, my son's medication was exhausted earlier than planned and I phoned his ADHD nurse to explain to him … he said to make an appointment to come and Dr. Moore should be there to oversee the medication.] "I received a phone call to say that the appointment had to be canceled because they had no room and that Dr. Moore was on sick leave anyway. "

Now that Dr. Moore has resigned from the unit last Friday, locals who have access to the facility have panicked.

The Commission mental health revealed this week that the provision of mental health services for children and adults was inadequate, forcing many young people to seek treatment "I am very concerned that I found that the services for children and adolescents were generally inadequate, poorly funded and did not meet the needs of youth and their families, "said Dr. Susan Finnerty. An Inspector of Mental Health Services

"It is disappointing to report that basic mental health deficits in 2017 do not seem to indicate that the situation is going to improve … regulation and treatment immediate deficits of CAMHS are »

Sandra Mulhall's 15-year-old son from Wexford, was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Down Syndrome. Asperger (TSA)

he was removed from his home and placed in an adult psychiatric ward in Waterford

Due to the lack of beds for children, his son was forced to stay in an institution for adults with mental health problems

"My son was in the Department of Psychiatry in Waterford for 41 days in March last year and for a month at Christmas," she said. [19659002] "My son needed to see someone last week and there was no one available. He would not go to the general practitioner because he was afraid to be sent back to the department of psychiatry again.

"Everyone is sick and worries about their children. Nobody knows who to talk to or who to talk to.

When Ms. Mulhall contacted the HSE to voice her concerns, she said that she had been told that they were doing everything they could to fix the problems.

Ms. Smith and Ms. Mulhall The Mental Health Report revealed that 82 children were admitted to adult psychiatric units in 2017, an increase of one-third over the year. previous (68).

An HSE spokesperson said, "He is here to provide care and support, has set up dedicated teams of professionals and the welfare of users and their families is paramount."

and an international recruitment campaign for psychiatrists-counselors for children and adolescents. This resource will be used to staff positions on a permanent basis in the Waterford and Wexford areas.

"Additional options considered included vacant temporary or temporary vacancies, including the possibility of using community-based HSE health service consultants. "

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