Ondangwa: A Heritage City and its Heritage Sites (Part II)


Andrew Niikondo

Location of Historic Sites in Ondangwa

In the late 1970s, the system of contract labor for migrants declined and the hostel for contract migrant workers built in the township of Oluno in Ondangwa became inactive. Subsequently, the South African government converted the complex into a military base hosting Koevoet and the South African Territorial Forces (SWATF). It is commendable that the original features of the compound were preserved at that time. Near the compound were recruiting offices, known in Oshiwambo as "oombelewa dhokaholo". This name referred to the fact that migrant workers selected in these offices to work in South Africa were marked with twine around the neck or arms, both ends of the rope being tight with a piece of metal (okaholo ).

It is ironic that the South African colonial regime kept the site more or less intact, while the new democratic government destroyed something that might have had historical value in the future. For example, after independence, the complex was destroyed and the entire site was converted into a correctional rehabilitation center, while the office became the magistrate's office. Even though the intention was not entirely false, it was as if the leaders did not see the potential economic value of the site. Another important site to note was the clinic specifically designed for medical examinations of migrant contract workers before their departure to the south. They should undergo a medical examination by lining up for an examination in an Ondangwa clinic. The building housing the clinic still exists in the center of Ondangwa, which currently bears clearly the words "Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Protection". It is not clear whether the building was turned into ministry offices or they simply kept the building as it was. This building is in fact a potential national heritage since it was the only medical clinic in northern Namibia linked to the notorious atrocities of the contract labor system in the country. first wholesale store in northern Namibia, called "Ondjondjo", it was the only store selling commodities to people as far away as Mongua in the south of Angola, as well to Namibians in places that are part of Omusati, Ohangwena, Oshana and Oshikoto areas. People were traveling on foot or by cart pulled by animals as far as Ruacana in the Omusati region, Okongo in the Ohangwena region, or Mongua in the south of Japan. Angola, to Ondjondjo to buy things. Currently, although the store building is still standing, there is no indication of the value of its historical significance as a heritage site. At one point, Chinese retailers were using the building, but now the building is empty. Ideally, the building should have been delineated as a heritage site to attract not only travelers, but also historians and researchers, as well as to strengthen the tax base of the city and market Namibia on a scale international. Presumably, it is because of a lack of information that the idea of ​​turning the building into a heritage site has never been considered.

The history of modern courts in northern Namibia has its roots in Ondangwa. During the pre-colonial period, customary law was applicable to various communities and, during the colonial era and after independence, it was practiced in parallel with civil laws. Namibia was colonized twice: first by Germany from 1884 to 1915, then by South Africa from 1915 to 1989. The period of German colonial rule did not left significant traces in the legal system. By contrast, the South African regime established courts, particularly lower courts, throughout the country, and thus the first trial court in Ovamboland of that time was in Ondangwa. Many people in northern Namibia have seen their cases heard in Ondangwa court. The original court of origin of the court is still standing in the city and is currently used as offices of various ministries of the city, but it does not currently generate a tourism income as it was supposed to do. (to be continued)

The Ondangwa Bus Station of then also deserves to be cited as a heritage site. Contractual migrant workers who disobeyed their employers or simply did not want employers, or those who, at the beginning of the liberation struggle, were involved in political activism, were all deported to the country. then called Ondangwa Station. For example, "Due to his political activities and the mobilization of migrant workers in Cape Town, Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo was expelled from Cape Town shortly after his petition made the headlines of the New York Times and was deported on December 4, 1958 in Windhoek and Ondangwa where he was placed under house arrest "(Nujoma 2017). This historical heritage site, "Ondangwa Station" was later converted and it is currently called "Rössing Foundation" and its historical status is forgotten and its potential economic viability for the city has not been explored.

It is interesting to discuss that none of the important historical sites of Ondangwa had survived alterations – even the airport and various religious sites were not exempted. It should be mentioned that migrant workers employed by Consolidated Diamond Mines (CDM) were airlifted to Oranjemunnd and that there were scheduled flights between Oranjemund and Ondangwa Airport. The airport of Ondangwa is the only airport in northern Namibia. It was converted into a military air base by the South African Defense Force during their war against Namibian freedom fighters. After independence, the airport was reconverted again. Currently, the airport site is divided into two parts. Part consists of an airport under the Namibia Airports Company (NAC) and the other a police training center Ruben Danger Ashipala under the Ministry of Safety and Security. Although the government is commendable to approve the proposal to rename the airport after the liberation icon Andimba Toivo-Ya-Toivo, its economic viability is limited. Due to the limited space occupied by the airport, the space occupied by the police training center could be used as a commercial enterprise at airports to create jobs. Thus, the police training center should be moved for this purpose.

Finally, the parish of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) called Onguta (which is the term of Oshiwambo which means "food before the trip") was established. migrant workers who received holy communion and religious services before their departure to the south. The church was specially and uniquely built with its north-facing entrance and altar to the south, symbolizing the movement of people from north to south as migrant workers. When the new church was built, the old historic building was abandoned and used for other businesses. Nobody considered that the building, if it was classified heritage, could become a heritage site likely to attract religious communities from around the world and researchers on the migrant labor system in Namibia.

It is important that the planners of Ondangwa develop a heritage plan. with specific objectives, namely, to identify, recognize, protect, improve and properly manage the city's heritage resources.

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