Peaceful electoral environment in Zim recommended || The Southern Times



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Charity Ruzvidzo

Political analysts praised the peaceful political environment prevailing in the country before the harmonized elections of 2018 compared to the violence that occurred during previous election periods.

Elections were held on July 30th.

In committing to not having violence before, during and after the elections, the political parties signed the Peace Commitment of the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC). according to analysts, is largely due to the commitment of President Emmerson Mnangagwa to ensure a free, fair and credible election, as well as the political maturity shown by Zimbabweans.

Political analyst Davison Gomo said that Mnangagwa's efforts to create a peaceful political environment

"The country has experienced unprecedented peaceful conditions since the advent of the new order and it I would be naive to believe that this happened on its own The whole idea of ​​the new order was motivated by conditions that prevented Zimbabwe from sinking into disorder and the results were remarkable as the country experienced exceptional peace. 19659005] "We should also thank President Emmerson Mnangagwa for investing in a peace program, even against all odds. He emphasized that Zimbabweans must respect one another and live peacefully in their different worldviews. The country has benefited immensely from the president's message of peace, unity and hope, "he said.

Dr. Gomo said countries with peaceful elections demonstrate political growth We are witnessing something very unusual in Zimbabwe in that, so close to the general elections, the environment is incredibly calm and peaceful, the Zimbabweans have managed to surprise each other and we pray that we will go through the elections. without any incident of violence.

"Our armed forces have promised us peace and the President has tirelessly preached a message of peace and now we are reaping the peace dividend. The future of our country is now more exciting than ever. No one should be left in the impossibility of consolidating the gains made so far for reasons of political expediency, "he said.

A report published by the Government of the United States. Research and Advocacy Unit (RAU) in April the most politically violent country is Southern Africa.

The period studied was from 1998 to 2018. The RAU report examined electoral violence in South Africa In Zimbabwe, Angola, Mozambique and Namibia, the violence in Zimbabwe was due to the militia that attacked civilians during the elections.

Despite this report, Zimbabwe has taken measures to ensure free and fair elections. credible.

The European Union (EU) also applauded Zimbabwe for its commitment to holding peaceful elections.

"" The presence of the EU Election Observation Mission " demonstrates the commitment of the European Union to conduct elections s peaceful, inclusive, transparent and credible. elections in Zimbabwe. The EU wishes to accompany Zimbabwe in its transition to meet the legitimate expectations of the Zimbabwean people and stands ready to engage more if the appropriate conditions are met. Elections are, in this respect, an essential step in a long and challenging reform process, "said Elmar Brok, Chief Observer for the EU Election Observation Mission. [19659005ThepresenceofEuropeanelectionobserversisafirstinZimbabweafter16years

Another political analyst, Elton Ziki, said that candidates running for various positions should be commended for campaigning peacefully.

Political environment has been peaceful, tolerant and democratic. The candidates also managed to search for voters in a peaceful way. This is demonstrated by the way different political parties can campaign or organize rallies in the same area without violence. The political terrain has also been on the rise as we witness the access of opposition parties to state media that have been largely reserved for ZANU-PF. He said that the political field of the country was evolving.

"2018 is a new year for better things and our political field has evolved from the primitive, to fight when people do not agree to seek dialogue." The people of Zimbabwe are also showing signs of political growth because you can see supporters of different political parties conversing while they wear their respective party badges.In past elections, such instances would not be heard, this indicates political maturity, "said Ziki

. Another political analyst Pedzisai Ruhanya acknowledged that there was peace in the country but urged other political parties to stop psychological intimidation. 19659004] "Indeed, the 2018 elections have so far been peaceful in terms of physical violence, but we still have other political parties that are psychologically intimidating people, reminding people of the violence that has taken place. in 2008, asking them to vote wisely, at least they relive this horrible time, it must stop, we want people to vote peacefully and freely, "said Ruhanya


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