PM Modi will attend the BRICS Summit in South Africa next week; also visit Rwanda, Uganda


Prime Minister Narendra Modi will travel to Rwanda and Uganda next week before traveling to South Africa to attend the BRICS summit, which will discuss key global issues, including international peace and security . will visit the three countries from 23 to 27 June, will first stop in Rwanda for a two-day "historic" visit, the first by an Indian Prime Minister, TS Tirumurti, Secretary (Economic Relations) at the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), told reporters during a briefing here. He will then travel to Uganda on July 24 and from there to South Africa.

Modi will attend the 10th meeting of the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg where the leaders of the group should deliberate on global issues, international peace and peace. security, global governance and trade issues, among others, said Tirumurti. On the sidelines of the summit, the prime minister should also meet some leaders bilaterally, he added. Asked about the possibility of a bilateral meeting between Prime Minister Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping, Tirumurti said: "At the moment, we have no solution to bilateral agreements and with which country." Modi will be received by Rwandan President Paul Kagame when he arrives in the country during the first leg of his three-nation tour. During the visit, he will hold talks at the delegation level, pay tribute to the Kigali Genocide Memorial, interact with a business forum, as well as with the Indian community, said Tirumurti

. India and Rwanda during the visit, he said. India will soon be opening a mission to Rwanda, said Tirumurti: "During this visit, we plan to conclude two lines of credit – one of 100 million for the development of industrial parks and cities. the Kigali Special Economic Zone, one for $ 100 million for agriculture and irrigation, "he said. An important element of the program would be the Prime Minister's visit to the Rweru Model Village for the donation of 200 cows as India's contribution to Rwanda's "Girinka" program, Tirumurti said. Under the social protection regime of the Rwandan government personally overseen by President Kagame, the poorest families are government-endowed dairy cows and the first cow-born female calf is gifted to the neighbor, thus promoting fraternity and solidarity .

The cows to be offered by India would come from Rawanda, said Tirumurti. "We hope that agreements will be reached in the areas of defense, dairy cooperation, leather, agriculture and culture," he said. An MEA official said: "We are not looking at relations with African countries in the context of relations with another country". Modi would travel to Uganda on July 24 for a two-day visit, the first bilateral visit of an Indian prime minister since 1997.

His program in Uganda would include, an appeal to President Yoweri Museveni, restricted negotiations and at the level of delegations, and participation in a joint India-Uganda trade event. Mr Modi will also address the Ugandan Parliament, the first time an Indian prime minister will do so, said the senior MEA official. He will also address an Indian community event that President Musevini is also expected to attend. "We are planning to grant two lines of credit for the first time in Uganda: $ 141 million for power lines and substations and $ 64 million for agriculture and dairy production," he said. said Mr Tirumurti. Africa June 25 to attend the BRICS Summit, whose theme this year is "The BRICS in Africa". At the summit, the Prime Minister will participate, along with other BRICS leaders, in the restricted session, the plenary session, the retirement of the leaders, the sensitization of African leaders and the sensitization of the leaders of the South. Among the issues to be discussed at the summit are the BRICS in Africa, the fourth industrial revolution, multilateralism, global governance, sustainable development and infrastructure, said Tirumurti

"BRICS leaders will discuss issues global peace, security, global governance, trade issues, etc., during the restricted session, "he said. It will also be the first time that a BRICS retreat will take place and that leaders will deliberate on the past years and on the way forward, he said. Prime Minister Modi will also participate in outreach activities with African leaders and contacts with leaders of the southern segments of the summit.

The countries invited for the BRICS Africa component are Rwanda, Uganda, Togo, Zambia, Namibia and Senegal. Tirumurti said the countries invited for BRICS outreach with leaders of the global southern segment are Argentina, Turkey, Indonesia, Jamaica and Egypt, he said. , adding that the Secretary General of the UN was also invited. In addition to the participation in the summit, the Prime Minister will also have a bilateral meeting with President Cyril Ramaphosa

This will be the first visit of the Prime Minister to South Africa after the new government takes office, and he will take part in the meeting. course of a year. marks the 125th anniversary of the Pietermaritzburg incident involving Mahatma Gandhi and the 100th anniversary of the anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela.

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