Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's US Tour Could Happen Sooner Than Expected


Impossible to travel to London for the wedding of the year? Well, good news, fans of the royal family: You can learn to say "congratulations" to the bride and groom in person, in the United States, very soon. The US tour of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is currently underway, a source told Us Weekly on July 18, and they plan to attack several major cities – including Markle's hometown, Los Angeles, California.

Now, nothing is officially confirmed so do not buy a plane ticket yet. It is also interesting to note that this is not the first time that we are talking about a tour in the United States. Last April, Kensington Palace announced that Prince Harry would become the patron of "Walk of America" ​​ an event organized by the non-profit organization Walking With the Wounded.

According to their website, the march is "an expedition that will take place between June and September 2018 and that includes six wounded veterans (three American and three British) traveling 1,000 miles in 12 weeks from the west coast to the coast. ;East. "Because the American part of the march was to begin in Los Angeles on June 2, Vanity Fair speculated in April that Harry and Markle could launch their Patron Duties and their tour to United States at the same time

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Of course, now we know that it did not really happen.However, when the couple did his official tour, "they think of New York, Washington, DC and California", the source of Us Weekly claimed .This is why this little rumor detail is important, however: The site " Walk of America "says the trip will end in early September … in New York Interesting.

To reiterate, Kensington Palace has not confirmed anything like this, but do not you think that? Would it be logical for Harry and Markle to meet the troops at the end of the New York March? hit other cities on their US tour before traveling to Australia, Fiji, the Kingdom of Tonga, and New Zealand by the end of October? The Palace only announced their last trip to Ireland a month in advance, so it would not be unusual for them to wait another month to reveal their intention to visit North America. Just saying.

The source of Us Weekly states that the royal couple will not travel to America until spring 2019, but who knows how things will really go. There is also a chance that Markle can return to his home country in the more immediate future, said the source, as she allegedly "planned a personal and unofficial trip this summer to see her family and friends. then THE "

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Once the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have decided to fly abroad together, they will undoubtedly have a productive trip. "Meghan and Harry want to strengthen the ties between the United Kingdom and the United States," said the palace's insider at Us Weekly. "They want to emphasize and foster these relationships." The insider also noted that he will likely travel to San Francisco, where "they will meet with CEOs and women technology entrepreneurs to encourage them to get involved in the industry."

Although Harry was known to visit Markle in Canada on the other hand, Markle had set foot on American soil in April, just before she and Harry got married. The Chicago Tribune reported that her visit was super fast, however, she is probably very eager to return to begin her new royal husband. No matter, whenever they decide to go that way, they will undoubtedly receive a very warm welcome.

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