Race for W Cape Start of the top job of ANC


Cape Town – While candidates for employment at the ANC Western Cape have called for votes, the meeting of their provincial general council has again been delayed and will "probably" take place that in August.
The ANC secretary for the Western Cape, Faiez Jacobs, said that there had been delays with regional conferences and an online membership system, having announced earlier this month that the province would have a leader of the ANC at the end of July. are working on the regions that have proven to be a challenge. We are going ahead with the Overberg and West Coast regions to have their conferences this weekend. Once these are sorted, we look at the other regions, "he said.

He was speaking off the ANC's provincial summit in Stellenbosch on weekends. [19659002] Jacobs said his provincial executive met on the weekend To discuss a roadmap for regional conferences

There are hiccups in the Boland and Dullah Omar regions, did not they? he acknowledged

Jacobs said that the election of a provincial president would probably be completed only at the end of August.

"We will have to ensure that this is done quickly, because by September 1st, we have to start with our appointments to the Western Cape Legislature and Parliament

"Around October / November, we must also be the first Candidate is normally the president, it can also be somebody else who structures prefer, but normally this is the president, "he said

The names of Cameron Dugmore, ANC deputy, Sammy Claasen, ANC sp okesperson for the West Coast party region; and the Deputy Minister of Police, Bongani Mkongi, was unofficially appointed by the members to challenge the highest position.

Shaun Byneveldt, former Speaker of the Western Cape Legislature, was also nominated. Nokuthula Nqaba is another candidate for this post

Former provincial president, Marius Fransman, was suspended from the ANC for five years as a result of a complaint of sexual harassment filed by a Stellenbosch woman, 21 years old.

Dugmore, one of the favorites In the race, started his own website and was on the campaign trail in several parts of the province.

Dugmore Marketing Brochures read: "Cameron Dugmore represents the unity, renewal and reconstruction of the ANC Western Cape and a return to the values ​​of Mandela and Tambo.

" It represents a strong and effective movement that leads the people to the fundamental transformation of the economy and society, "he said.

Although Byneveldt has not yet confirmed his candidacy, cap Argus is the possession of the message of Byneveldt to the delegates, who addressed the "real revolutionaries."

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