Retired man is 10 years old for murder


A pensioner from Aranos, who shot his wife under the influence of alcohol after a dispute over the funeral procession of the late South African leader AWB Eugene Terreblance, was
slapped with ten years in prison.

Willem Barnard, 64, killed
his wife, Anette Barnard, 55, with a single shot in the head eight years ago
on their farm. Judge Naomi Shivute sentenced Barnard to 18 years, but
suspended eight years for a period of five years. Barnard narrowly escaped a longer term of imprisonment
due to the fact that he was mentally disabled at
at the time of the murder, because of alcohol and alcohol. 39, an overdose of his prescribed drugs
. He is also a primary offender

The judge also found that he
suffers from organic brain damage, an enlarged prostate and mood disorders. Judge
Shivute also concluded that the murder was not premeditated, even though it was
the control of his mental faculties at the time. The Judge's Findings
indicate that Barnard was physically abused by his wife throughout their marriage

"The testimony of the accused is that the meals provided in prison are not good. for him
there is no privacy in the bathrooms, he fears for his life in prison and
can not defend himself when he is attacked. feels bad for what he did and
would have prevented the incident if he was not drunk, "said Judge Shivute.

At the beginning of his trial,
Barnard claimed that he had no memory of the shooting. incident. He said that
after drinking, he fainted in the farm lounge where he and his wife
were watching television, and when he woke up, he woke up. found lying with
in a pool of blood on a coffee table.

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