Shadow of the Tomb Raider shows a new village in a 10-minute video


  Looking at the shadow of the Tomb Raider Reveal Trailer

The shadow of the Tomb Raider showing a new village in 10 minutes of walking [19659004] Square Enix, Eidos Montreal, and Crystal Dynamics have just released a 10-minute video of the largest hub of a game Tomb Raider . The video presents the new village of Paititi, an Inca village spared by modern society, which can be seen in the next Shadow of the Tomb Raider . The video also gives players a glimpse of the characters, interactions, and new temples that they can expect in the final chapter of the Tomb Raider saga. Check out the solution in the reader below!

CONNECTION: Watch the E3 trailer for the shadow of the Tomb Raider!

Discover the decisive moment Lara Croft as she becomes the Tomb Raider. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider Lara must master a deadly jungle, overcome terrifying graves, and persevere through her darkest hour. While she runs to save the world from a Mayan apocalypse, Lara will eventually be wrought into the Tomb Raider that she is destined to be.

Game Star 2013 Tomb Raider Critically acclaimed and rewarded Tomb Raider student Camilla Luddington returns as Lara Croft with yet another superb performance in L & Shadow of the Tomb Raider

The Season Pass for Shadow of the Tomb Raider delivers seven new adventures called "Pathways," with each Path comprising a new narrative, new missions, a Tomb of the Challenge, a new weapon, a new outfit and a new skill. The first challenge Tomb will also introduce new cooperation features. Finally, Season Pass owners receive an exclusive weapon, outfit and skill the first day

Shadow of the Tomb Raider the third game and final finale of the original trilogy of the Heroine Lara Croft. Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC on September 14, 2018.

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 Conceptual Art of the Shadow of the Tomb Raider [19659013]] Conceptual Art Shadow of the Tomb Raider

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