Siberian worms frozen in permafrost for up to 42,000 years defrosted to life


On the picture is the overall view of a female nematode. Two of these creatures have been successfully thawed from 32,000 and 41,700 years of permafrost and have already shown signs of life. ( Shatilovich, Chesunov, et al., Doklady Biological Sciences )

In a major scientific breakthrough, worms imprisoned in permafrost for tens of thousands of years came back to life [19659003] Signs of Life

Prehistoric nematodes would show signs of life and eating after researchers from various institutions collaborated and thawed the permafrost. they have been trapped for tens of thousands of years. The researchers obviously analyzed more than 300 samples of permafrost from different origins and ages, and found two that were the most viable samples that contained nematodes, or more commonly known as roundworms (19659003). comes from a wall of permafrost in a squirrel burrow, while the other was found in the permafrost near the Alazeya River in 2015. Radiocarbon dating revealed that permafrost in the Squirrel terrier dates back about 32,000 years and permafrost near the Alazeya River.

Permafrost samples were placed in petri dishes and held at 20 degrees Celsius for several weeks. The nematodes that emerged from the permafrost are considered females, and the researchers note that they have since shown "signs of life". In fact, they would be moving and eating for the first time since they were trapped by permafrost during the Pleistocene

Cryobiosis long-term

The researchers in the study present the first data showing how multicellular organisms such as nematodes have the ability to cryobioser in the long run. In their study in particular, they presented how these creatures can survive for tens of thousands of years under natural cryopreservation.

"It is evident that this ability suggests that Pleistocene nematodes have mechanisms of adaptation that may be scientifically relevant and practical importance for the related fields of science, such as the cryomedicine, cryobiology and astrobiology, "noted researchers

The study was conducted by Russian scientists of the physico-chemical and biological problems of soil science, from the Pertsov White Sea Biological Station and the Moscow School of Economics.The research was also conducted in collaboration with researchers from the Department of Geosciences of Princeton University. The study is published in Doklady Biological Sciences .


The results of the study could again highlight the conversation about cryogenics. cry Onie is the practice in which a body is cryogenized in the hope of being restored or resurrected one way or another in the future, perhaps when a cure for an illness data arrives

. Many scientists are still skeptical about the procedure because the human body is actually quite complex. It is, however, helpful in helping to preserve harvested organs to minimize damage before transplantation.

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