Smile, pardner: the movie & # 39; Deadwood & # 39; gets the green light from HBO


BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. – A round-up of the summer meeting of the Television Critics Association, during which television networks and streaming services present details of upcoming programs .


Fans of "Deadwood" may expire.

HBO says it has given the green light to a long film based on the Western drama that ended a decade or so ago

in October. An aerial rendezvous has not yet been set, but it could begin in the spring of 2019.

Bloys told a TV review that it was one of them. Nightmare "logistics to align the schedules of the whole, but it finally worked.

The critically acclaimed film "Deadwood" was staged in the mining town of South Dakota.

The series was broadcast from 2004 to 2006 with stars like Timothy Olyphant, Ian McShane and Molly Parker

It was created by David Milch, known for his work on the contemporary NYPD Blue Police Dramas and "Hill Street Blues"


The Cable Channel will suffer under the new owner AT & T.

Casey Bloys, speaking at a meeting of TV critics, said that he There is no plan for choosing volume over quality for its shows. launches of a "Love Boat" restart or something like that, "he said.

Support, Bloys cited comments made at a Tuesday income call by John Stankey, who runs the new AT & T division that includes HBO and other Time Warner media assets. AT & T acquired Time Warner in an $ 85 billion contract concluded earlier this month.

Stankey said the goal was to invest more in the premium content of HBO, with "Game of Thrones" and "Westworld". "On the other hand, he reportedly recently told HBO staff to prepare for a difficult year.

Bloys called Tuesday's remarks" music to our ears. "

Time Warner had reduced investment in programming.The first time in a long time, we hear about investing in programming."

HBO has long held the upper hand in acclaimed shows, but does Responding to Newcomer Challenges, Including Netflix and Amazon Streaming Services In the recently announced Emmy nominations, Netflix ended HBO's 17-year-old series as the most-nominated outlets by hanging 112 offers at HBO 108.

The result was not surprising given the overall volume of programming. phenomenon dubb ed "peak TV" which gave viewers nearly 500 series.

Getting four fewer nominations "is not going to change the kind of programs we develop and produce at all," he said, but added that to create more programming without changing his approach.

"This is what we are discussing now: STILL STILL ON CRITICISM

Jane Fonda says she is still confronted with veterans of the Vietnam War during her anti-war activism of the 1970s and welcomes encounters

.These moments are an opportunity to speak, she says, of what Fonda calls "an open mind and a tender heart".

L & # 39; Actress was severely criticized after being photographed at the top of an anti-aircraft rifle during a meeting with television critics on Wednesday to discuss a new HBO documentary about her life, she expressed her regret for that moment

She said that it was unthinking to perch on the gun and called it "horrible" to think She told that the message she had sent to the soldiers and their families was the same one that she had sent to the soldiers and their families

was shaken by w

His late father, the famous actor Henry Fonda, was a World War II veteran and Jane Fonda served as "Miss Army Recruiter" in 1954.

She felt betrayed and lied by America's leadership on the war and decided that she would do everything possible to stop him as part of a movement, tells Fonda

At 80, Fonda looks back on her life in HBO's "Jane Fonda in Five Acts". -producer Susan Lacy and debut this fall. Fonda continues to work, starring Lily Tomlin in Netflix's "Grace and Frankie" series and working with Tomlin and Dolly Parton on a sequel to their 1980 film "9 to 5".


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