Super Telescope Finds A Flaming Black Hole In The Heart Of The Milky Way: Space: Nature World News


Jul 15, 2018 11:37 PM EDT

The ultra-powerful MeerKAT radio telescope of South Africa proves its capabilities when it captures an image of a fiery black hole in the center of the galaxy.

The MeerKAT just made its debut in South Africa last Friday, July 13th, and it performed very well on its first try, producing the clearest image of the world. a massive black hole in the heart of the Milky Way

A Fiery Black Hole

Researchers at the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory wanted to show their abilities in the best possible way.

"The center of the galaxy was an obvious target: unique, visually striking and inexplicable." – but also notoriously difficult to image using radio telescopes, "says Fernando Camilo, the chief scientist of SARAO, in a statement. "Although the first few days with MeerKAT, and there is still much to be optimized, we decided to go there – and we were stunned by the results." [19659003] The center of the Milky Way is 25,000 light-years from Earth, often covered with thick clouds of gas and stardust, making it difficult to detect using regular telescopes. scientists instead use infrared wavelengths, X or radio

MeerKAT provides the clearest look of the black hole located at the mysterious center of the Milky Way with many unseen features visible in the l? ima Resulting geometry

More precisely, photography captures the filaments in the central black hole that are found nowhere else in the galaxy. Discovered in the 1980s, the origin of these long, narrow filaments is still a puzzling mystery – and scientists hope that MeerKAT's abilities to clearly represent the center of the Milky Way may finally bring more light to this subject. .

Farhad Yusef-Zadeh The Northwestern University says that the image of MeerKAT is so clear that it could actually break the three-decade enigma of the filaments. Yusef-Zadeh is one of the world's experts on these strange filamentous structures.

The MeerKAT Telescope

A decade of manufacture, the MeerKAT radio telescope was inaugurated by Vice President of the Republic of South Africa, David Mabuza. 13.

It consists of 64 antennas and antennas as well as four receivers that operate on different radio bands. The data can be processed at a speed of 275 gigabytes per second.

The incredible achievement is the jewel of the country's astrological program, but one expects it to benefit the rest of the continent and become part of the Kilometer Array Square. 19659003] "Other African partner countries will host the telescope's external stations during Phase 2 of SKA in the coming years and we have signed a protocol agreement with them to commit ourselves to developing the field of research. Astronomy in their countries ", Takalani Nemaungani, the chief director of the Department of Science and Technology for SKA and Very Long Baseline Interferometry in Africa, explains to News24

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