Tennessee Titans DL Jurrell Casey To Protest Despite New NFL Policy


Jurrell Casey of the Tennessee Titans does not intend to bow to the new Anthem Policy of the NFL. He intends to protest social injustice and police brutality in his own way during the 2018 season.

"I'm going to fine this year, why not?" Casey told CNN in London at a Titans-Chargers game promotion event that will be played Oct. 21 at Wembley Stadium. "I'm going to protest under the flag, that's what I'm going to say now."

The new anthem policy, passed by the owners in May, indicates that players "must stand up and show respect for the flag and the anthem" or stay in the locker room.

Politics puts teams at risk of being fined if a player does not "show respect" for the anthem, which includes an attempt to kneel or s & # 39; Sit down during the anthem.

AP Photo / James Kenney

Tennessee defensive lineman Titans Jurrell Casey (99) plans to continue to protest during the national anthem despite the new NFL policy that requires players to respect and respect for the flag and hymn or to stay in the locker room.

Casey and teammate Wesley Woodyard raised their fists after the national anthem throughout the 2017 season. Casey said he plans to continue this protest method. It is unclear whether this action will be fined

The Titans, as a team, remained in the locker room during the anthem before their home match against the Seattle Seahawks, following President Donald Trump. a b —- off the field "comment on the players who have chosen to protest."

"There will always be a flashback, which is what America has to do," Casey told CNN. "They still like to go on social networks and go for it hard, that's it, in the end, I do not care, I'm going to do what I do that will bring light.

"At the end of the day, we had to do some work, but I will continue to use my platform to keep talking.

Trump has weighed on protests from NFL players Season 2017 and this offseason even after the new policy was passed.

"We will continue to defend what is right on our side and if they can not see the injustice, then that's where the break is going to be," Casey said. at ESPN in August.

Titans coach Mike Vrabel said in May that the players had the support of the Amy Adams Strunk organization.

Casey stated that he had not yet talked about his protest plans to Vrabel or his teammates.

Casey predicted that the new policy will result in more protests from NFL players. Several groups of players decided to kneel and lock their arms during the anthem last season: "I'm not going to let them stop doing what I want to do", has said Casey, "they want to have these battles between players."

"This is not necessarily about the national anthem, it's where everyone gets together "The way the justice system treats minorities is the question we have."

Former quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers Coli n Kaepernick began to sit down then to kneel during the anthem to protest social injustice, police brutality and many other problems affecting many minorities in America. Kaepernick has not played in the NFL since 2016, when he started his protest.

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