The 124th birthday of Georges Lemaître honored by Google Doodle | World | New


million. Lemaître proposed theoretically that the universe was expanding, which was confirmed by observation by Edwin Hubble, in Hubble's law.

He is also recognized for proposing the concept of the expanded universe from an initial point, which he called "the primordial atom" or "the egg." cosmic, explodes at the moment of creation.

His theory was presented in one of his academic papers in 1931, and is now widely accepted and known as "Big." The Bang theory.

The astronomer and teacher was born on July 17, 1894 in Charleroi, Belgium, and began his civil engineering studies at the Catholic University of Louvain at the age of 17 [19659005]. he signed to serve as an artillery officer in the Belgian Army during the First World War.

After the conflict, he studied physics and math at the same time as the diocesan priesthood was being prepared.

Doctor in 1920 and ordained priest in 1923.

He became a postgraduate student in astronomy at the University of Cambridge in 1923, before spending the following year at the Harvard College Observatory in the United States. United.

Mr. Lemaître He returned to Belgium in 1925 and became a part-time professor at the Catholic University of Louvain, where he began to work on his revolutionary research.

He published his advanced theory that the universe was expanding in his famous report in 1927, but he did not specifically relate to the concept of the Big Bang theory.

He later suggested that the universe had developed from a single point, which he called "the Primordial Atom"

. a series of seminars at the California Institute of Technology with world-renowned scientists including Albert Einstein.

After exposing his theory of creating the universe to the scientist, Mr. Einstein would have said: is the most beautiful and satisfying explanation of creation to which I have ever listening. "

Mr. Lemaître has received numerous awards during his lifetime, including the Jules Janssen Prize in 1936, the highest honor of the French astronomical society, and was elected a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences. and arts of Belgium in 1941 and received the Eddington Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1953.

Pope Pius XII declared in 1951 that Lemaître's theories offered a scientific validation He affirmed that his theory was neutral and refused to recognize there was a connection between religion and his research

M. Lemaître died on June 20, 1966 at the age of 71

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