After tearing up his ACL at the start of the 2017 season, Allen Robinson is ready to play football again.
On Thursday, as the Bears opened the training camp, Bears coach Matt Nagy revealed that the team would start the camp with no players on the list PUP which means that the free agency team is in great shape, according to Larry Mayer of the team's website. For his part, Robinson told reporters that he is "100%".
Mitchell Trubisky, who spent his rookie season launching receivers like Dontrelle Inman, Kendall Wright and Josh Bellamy, seems to be excited about having a legitimate WR1
Robinson is one of many additions to the off-season that allowed the Bears to make the leap of bad to competitive. Before tearing his ACL, Robinson caught 73 passes for 883 yards and six touchdowns in 2016. The previous year, he has accumulated 80 receptions, 1,400 yards and 14 touchdowns. Keep in mind that he was doing this by catching passes from Blake Bortles. His previous production at the ACL was enough for the Bears to give him a contract of $ 42 million over three years in free agency.
The QBs in the honor
They did not stop there. They also signed the fast Taylor Gabriel and tight end Trey Burton, and receiver Anthony Miller in the second round to complete an offensive overhaul. The most important addition is Nagy whereas he was hired specifically to develop Trubisky. Nagy, who has recently arrived as offensive coordinator in Kansas City, where he helped Alex Smith become the best passer in the league, should offer Trubisky a creative plan suited to his strengths, such as athletics.
In Kansas City, Nagy had a ton of toys to play, from Tyreek Hill to Kareem Hunt to Travis Kelce. Thanks to the work of General Manager Ryan Pace during this offseason, Nagy has some fun toys to play in Chicago. Robinson, though, is completely explosive after breaking the ACL, should be the most important of these toys.
Muhsin Muhammad once said that Chicago is "where the receivers will die". Robinson, however, seems to be reborn.
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