The BRICS seek unity on trade


The BRICS will not become an anti-Western alliance: expert

The 10th BRICS summit will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa next week, and Chinese experts say the summit will focus more on the l & # 3939; unification of members and deepening of industrial cooperation amidst the common threats of protectionism and unilateralism.

President Xi Jinping will attend the summit, to be held from July 25 to 27, Xinhua news agency reported.

Xi's presence is a significant diplomatic leap from China to emerging markets and developing countries, said Chinese Foreign Minister Zhang Jun at a point Friday, according to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Chen Fengying, a researcher at China's Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said, "This year's summit comes at a crucial time when many emerging economies are facing the pressure and challenges of US unilateralism and protectionism. . "

This year's international situation is totally different, and the BRICS summit should lead to an agreement to be more united on efforts to resist the common threat, Chen said in a statement. Global Times Tuesday.

million. Chen noted, "During the summit, the leaders of the five countries will discuss the important challenges facing the current international situation and will exchange deeply. points of view aimed at strengthening mutual strategic trust and strengthening coordination and cooperation in international affairs, "said Mr. Zhang.

China's Role in Promoting and Leading BRICS It noted that the cooperation has been fully affirmed by the parties concerned, and that the summit meeting will publish the Johannesburg Declaration of BRICS Leaders,

Zhang said that China's expectations were to strengthen the solidarity and cooperation of the BRICS

He also said that it was important to seize the opportunities of the new industrial revolution, enrich pragmatic cooperation, safeguard multilateralism, improve the system of global governance and promote the stability of BRICS cooperation.

series of multilateral activities, including the BRICS Business Forum, the reunited small and large-scale leaders and an informal meeting to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the creation of the BRICS.

He will also hold bilateral meetings with leaders from other countries to exchange views on issues such as the current international situation, BRICS cooperation, important international issues and regional interests, reported Xinhua.

Industrial Revolution

The 10th BRICS Summit will be titled "The BRICS in Africa: Collaboration for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the Fourth Industrial Revolution," according to the summit's website, . [19659003] "Although these five emerging economies have achieved economic development goals, they do not all have a mature national industrial system or high productivity, so industrial cooperation is important and essential if they want to win in the future. next industrial revolution ".

BRICS can not become an anti-Western alliance, Chen noted. "Even though they have to face together with US unilateralism, they will not be totally cut off from the dependence on the West. The BRICS is a platform for cooperation between emerging economies rather than the United States. A block against Western countries. "

In addition to China, India, which is another fast-developing country, is also under pressure from the trade dispute with the United States. CNBC reported that India did not enjoy an exemption from US duties on imports of aluminum and steel, prompting the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to respond by US tariffs on 240 million US dollars at the end of June. this year, and it would be the first meeting between the Chinese and Indian leaders after the two countries became entangled in trade disputes with the United States. The two leaders will share their common concerns and reach an agreement to safeguard the interests of developing countries, said Hu Zhiyong, a researcher at the Institute of International Relations of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

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