The CCP in dialogue with Africa


Africa could benefit from the study of Chinese experiences in the establishment of progressive reforms and the establishment of a powerful government dedicated to the country's development, but Beijing would only force never his models on other countries. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and some 40 political parties and organizations from 40 African countries opened their doors Tuesday in Tanzania's commercial capital, Dar es Salaam.

Song Tao, head of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, said the CPC is ready to work with African political parties to promote the construction of a community with a common future for China and China. ;Africa.

Although the political systems of African countries differ from those of China and their political values ​​are not necessarily the same, they share a common vision of national development, fight corruption and strengthen governance and capacity building . It is possible and necessary for China and Africa to strengthen communication and share their experiences, said He Wenping, a researcher at the Institute of Western and African Asian Studies of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. social sciences, at the Global Times.

In general, African countries could learn from China's experiences in two major aspects. First, properly recognize the relationship between reform, development and stability and build a strong government, choose a visionary leader and adopt sound policies, according to He.

Over the past three decades, China has become the second largest economy and has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. The concept of development is not only the essential need of developing countries, but also the foundation for the consolidation of politics and democracy in African countries, she said.

Second, China could share its experiences in the fight against political corruption and governance capacity-building, so that funds to provide public goods and other social services in African countries do not end not in private pockets.

He stressed that the exchange between China and Africa is equal and bidirectional. China could learn from Africa's experiences in developing NGOs, protecting the environment, and monitoring political parties and public opinion.

Sino-African relations have drawn criticism from some Western countries. The United States warned African countries to take precautions against China's growing influence in Africa.

"Africa is exploring a model of development that suits its own conditions, African countries do not need to be drawn into the model." Choice to refer or "to". study the lessons of other countries, "he said.

China will not export its development model.If models succeed, Africa will learn.It is different from Western countries, who are trying to force others to adopt their model, said Zhang Weiying, director of the Institute of Chinese Studies at Fudan University, at the Global Times

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