The CCP maintains a dialogue with African political leaders


  Tanzanian President John Magufuli delivers a speech at the CCP's official opening in dialogue with the high-level meeting of global political parties, an African thematic event held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on July 17 2018. (Photo / Edith Mutethya)

Tanzanian President John Magufuli delivers a speech at the CCP's official opening in dialogue with the high-level meeting of world political parties, an African thematic event held in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania on July 17, 2018. (Photo / Edith Mutethya)

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began Tuesday a two-day conference with influential political parties from Africa in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania , to deepen the discussion and exchange on governance and development. The CCP has brought together more than 40 political parties from more than 36 countries.

The event, on the theme "Theories and practices of Chinese and African political parties in the exploration of appropriate development pathways in Nati Tanzanian President John Magufuli, opening the conference, thanked China to have opened the dialogue, calling it a path to peace, security and economic growth in Africa

"Political parties play a vital role in the economic development of any country. They are the voices of citizens. I am confident that the outcome of the conference will not only improve the relationship between political parties in African countries and the CCP, but also deliberations on how Africa can achieve sustainable economic growth, "he said. He said: Increasing economic growth when nations choose to work together

Song Tao, Minister of International Department of the CPC Central Committee, said the meeting with African political parties was by no means a move to "export" The Chinese model

"As pointed out the CCP Secretary General, Xi Jinping, the key to choosing the way lies in compatibility with the specific national conditions. Since the socialist path with Chinese characteristics is based on the fundamental realities of China, rooted in the 5000 years of China's civilization, derived from the experience of more than 170 years of modern China and nearly 70 years of new China. He said that the path has been discovered by the CCP and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups at a multitude of costs and through the process of reform and opening. "Our experience clearly shows that only the people can guide the development of a country, in accordance with historical and cultural tradition and level of political, economic and social development, and not detached from this historical and cultural tradition." he said.

As representatives of the CCP, political parties from nearly 40 African countries and the Council of African Political Parties gathered in Dar es Salaam, Song said it was an indication from the establishment of a precedent in the history of exchanges and cooperation between the CCP and African political parties.

"I hope that each and every one of you could take this priceless opportunity to share your insight on the theme of this event. our search for solutions to development paths adapted to specific national conditions, "he said. "This is in addition to building a consensus on building a community with a common future for China and Africa, and to make an intellectual contribution to the noble cause of peace and prosperity. development of humanity. "

A few weeks before the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), the Tanzanian president said that he hoped that some of his results would appear at the summit, to be held in Beijing in September.

"FOCAC has been a good platform for Africa since its launch, many achievements have been made: trade between China and Africa, for example, has gone from 10 to 250 billion, making China the largest trading partner of Africa, "he said. He said China can strengthen its partnership with China, especially in science and technology, by increasing investment in Africa, especially in agriculture, industry and mining, and by increasing Chinese imports. from Africa, like coffee and tea. and cotton.

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