The concert of Demi Lovato canceled for hospitalization after 'overdose'


The concert of Demi Lovato in Canada was canceled ( Picture: Getty)

The concert of Demi Lovato in Canada, at the event RBCxMusic, was canceled

The singer of Cool For The Summer was to perform alongside Jason Mraz, for the benefit of Youth, I'm listening in Toronto, but he revealed that it would not happen anymore.

On Twitter, the 41-year-old man shared a tweet from LiveNation confirming the cancellation, saying to his 5.77 million followers: "Dear friends, due to independent circumstances of we will not be playing in Toronto this weekend

& # 39; sincere apologies to my fans and fans of Demi Lovato We wish him good health and recovery. "

According to TMZ, anyone with tickets will automatically be refunded.

The news comes after Demi has been transported to the hospital earlier this week after an evening in his Hollywood H ills

The publication originally claimed that the 25-year-old woman had been suffering from a heroin overdose – weeks after celebrating six years of sobriety – but an insider explained later that it was not the case.

The substance she had taken, with emergency services workers using Narcan – a drug that blocks the effects of opioids – to bring her back to consciousness.

Half suffered from an alleged drug overdose earlier this week (Photo: Rex)

A source told people: "Narcan is like an EpiPen to someone in anaphylactic shock – he gives you that explosion of life." crazy energy.

What happens is however the opiate is still in your system, so if you do enough the Narcan can wear it off and your heart rate may slow down

Half is now awake and reactive, with her family near her hospital bed.

According to representatives: "Half is awake and with her family who wants to express her thanks to all for love, prayers and"

"Some of the information reported is incorrect and they respectfully ask for privacy … "

Half is awake and responsive to the hospital (Photo: WireImage)

A series of famous faces, including Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande and Nick Jonas, shared messages of support for star Sober, following the news

The singer told TMZ: I did not not spoken, but my prayers go to her and her family for sure.

"I thought she was sober, it's terrible no? Terrible."

Katy Perry tweeted: "Love and strength for you @ddlovato we are all here for you baby"

While his ex, Joe Jonas, added, "Like all of you I think of @DDLovato right now. She needs our prayers and our support.

For more information: Showbiz

& # 39; We all know how strong you are Half. #prayfordemi. & # 39;

PLUS: Half Lovato Helped Frankie Grande Work Towards Sobriety, Reveals Ariana Joan's Mother

MORE: Kelly Osbourne Fights Everyday to Stay clean by encouraging people to show their love Demi Lovato

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