The trailer of King Of The Monsters with the help of "Moonlight" Debussy?


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The new trailer of" Godzilla: the king of Monsters' has a curious choice for his musical accompaniment. Source: Warner Bros.

The Trailer of the Future Godzilla: The King of the Monsters has recently disappeared and his use of Clair de Lune by Debussy is The premise of Godzilla: the king of monsters seems to be double, the world ends and all the various kaiju of the series Godzilla are apparently our only saviors.

In this context, the picking of Clair de Lune is a bit strange but it could be related to the story one way or another. Another.

The particular arrangement used in the trailer composed by Micha el Afanasyev for Imagine Music and it's an interesting interpretation.

The original piece by Claude Debussy is inspired by a poem written by Paul Verlaine with the same title, which usually translates as "moonlight".

Originally the third movement of Debussy's Bergamask Suite was one of the composer's wonderful piano suites in the Impressionist style

Thus, while the piece original is a way of transmitting Verlaine's poem, so it has a narrative connotation.

used film scores, through the use of leitmotif via a poem-poetic tonal structure

So if Clair de Lune is used here for a reason other than some- one thought that this arrangement looked cool, so maybe true focus of this new film Godzilla could be on the Moon or the effect of the moonlight?

After all, the 1968 film Destroy All Monsters which had a multi-kaiju similar threat configuration as this ew Godzilla movie, had a plot related to aliens on the Moon controlling the various kaiju in order to decimate the Earth.

In any case, I will certainly check Godzilla: King of The Monsters when it will be released in May 2019 but for now this choice of trailer really bothers me.

Follow me on Twitter Facebook and YouTube. I also manage Mecha Damashii and I make toy reviews on

Read my blog Forbes here


The new trailer of" Godzilla: The King of the Monsters has a curious choice for his musical accompaniment. Source: Warner Bros

The Trailer of the Future Godzilla: The King of the Monsters was recently abandoned and his Use of Clair de Lune by Debussy is certainly curious

The premise of Godzilla: The king of monsters seems to be double, as the world ends and all the different kaiju of the series Godzilla are apparently our only saviors.

In this context, the gathering of Clair de Lune is a bit strange, but it could somehow be related to history.

The particular arrangement used in the trailer below) is composed by Michael Afanasyev for Imagine Music and it's an interesting interpretation.

Claude Debussy's solo piece is inspired by a poem written by Paul Verlaine under the same title, which translates literally as "moonlight".

Originally the third movement of the Bergamo Suite by Debussy, it was one of the composer's wonderful piano suites inscribed in the Impressionist style

as well if the original piece is a means of transmitting Verlaine's poem, it has a narrative connotation

. thanks to the use of the leitmotif via a poem-esque tonal structure

So if Clair de Lune is used here for a reason other than some thought that this arrangement had the # Looks cool, so maybe the real focus of this new Godzilla movie could be on the moon or the effect of moonlight?

After all, the 1968 film Destroy All Monsters that had a multi-kaiju threat configuration similar to this new Godzil the movie, had a plot related to aliens on the Moon controlling the various kaiju to decimate the Earth.

In any case, I will certainly check Godzilla: King of Monsters when it will be released in May 2019 but for now this choice of trailer really bothers me.

Follow me on Twitter Facebook and YouTube. I also manage Mecha Damashii and make toy reviews on

Read my Forbes blog here.

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