The use of digital media related to ADHD in adolescents


Anyone with a teenager knows how long they spend watching their computer and their smartphone, but this obsession with technology could "

Psychotherapist Megan Werner

According to recent research, heavy users of digital media are about twice as likely to develop ADHD symptoms as their peers.
Experts say it could start at an early age

"It's not healthy to give a tablet to every child every time they make a fit … It's just that no, I think it starts with us adults and children. "Mothers like Jacquelyn Drewery say they limit the time spent on the screen by their children to try to curb bad habits of development "

" If we have difficulties with her attitude and that she does not do it. Do not want to do his chores, Drewery said that Drewery had launched a page for moms on Facebook and said that other parents said they were witnessing the same behavior in their children.

"We constantly have conversations about this, and I see a lot more comments that say my kids are doing this could it be the result of that," said Drewery.

To find a definitive link between excessive screen time and ADHD, experts say that parents can get in advance if they do their part.

"He weighs heavily and heavily on the educational side, I think it's an acquired behavior." Give our kids bad habits, "said Werner.

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