Thomas Markle fears that his daughter is struggling to cope with life in the royal family


MEGHAN Markle masks the tensions and pressures of life in the "outmoded" royal family with a smile of pain, his worried father says.

Thomas Markle recounts that on Sunday he believes that his daughter is struggling to cope with the passage of the Hollywood actress to the primacy of public duties in her role as Duchess of Sussex [19659003Thomas73says On Sunday Sunday : "What I think about my daughter right now is that I think she's terrified." 19659003 "" I see him in his eyes, I see him on his face and I see him in his smile.

"I saw her smile for years, I know her smile, I do not like the one I see now

" This one is not even a smile of scene – it's a painful smile. "

" This might just be having some bad days. I do not know. That really worries me.

Thomas Markle criticized his daughter's "ridiculous" dress code while she was touring Ireland with Prince Harry last week.

19659010] "Meghan looks like something from an old movie," he said.

"Why in 2018 do we dress like the 1930s, why do they have to cover their knees?"

Thomas said that members of the royal family froze him out of his daughter's life on his paparazzi photos staged and his controversial interview with Good Morning Britain

: "I think Meghan is deeper than me."

"I do not blame Harry or anyone but they follow rules that do not make sense to me."

"They are no less human than anyone else … God knows, I'm sorry for them, for not being able to show emotion."

"The reason I'm shunned is because I am Made a profit on the staged images

"Whoever benefits from the royal"

"But I could have won more than $ 100,000 by just doing a talk show.

"If I moved to London and sold cups with my daughter's face, would they run away from me?" The royal family lives by outdated rules.

"Half of Britain seems to make a fortune selling pictures of my daughter and her husband: Are they rejected?

"Does this make sense to you or anyone else? I do not understand.

"I have already apologized to the royal family, I honestly think that if the queen took the time to think that she would not see me because I did stupid pictures, that was

"I've had a pretty successful life, I'm pretty frank about some things but I'm no different from any other father."

Thomas also criticized the royal family for not to gather around Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, at the royal wedding. He lamented the lack of members of the church's Meghan family during the starry ceremony.

"I was not shocked because Harry and Meghan have friends who are high rollers, they are all stars, but in a way it would have been nice if some of his old friends and extended family were there.I thought it was wrong to have Doria sitting alone.

"There was no reason for her to can not be with members of the royal family. "

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