Tom Cruise takes 'Mission' to new heights in & # 39; Fallout & # 39;


I thought that the "fallout" in "Mission: Impossible – Fallout" was related to the follicles. But Tom Cruise, 56, miraculously still has the same thick hair that he had in 1996, when the first of his films "Mission: Impossible", based on the iconic television series of the 1960s and 1970s, came out. "Fallout" is the sixth in the series, and if I told you that I remember all the previous five, I'd be lying.

Like the James Bond series, to which the films "Mission: Impossible" aspire, "Fallout" is a showcase for a superhero secret agent fighting a supervillain, in this case a criminal named Solomon Lane (Sean Harris) , an "anarchist" bear, who leads a team of assassins and saboteurs mostly called apostles and believes that the world will only find peace if the greatest number of people experience the most pain.

To do this, Lane must first escape incarceration, which he does with the help of an heir to the heir's arms dubbed "the White Widow" (A completely crazy and theatrical stunt by Vanessa Kirby of "The Crown", playing some sort of sexy Miss Havisham), and getting their hands on nuclear weapons on the black market.

In addition to his usual M: I members, tech whiz Luther Stickell (Ving Rhames, providing the emotional bass notes) and the chameleon-esque Benji Dunn (amusing as usual Simon Pegg), we have the Warrior motorcycle princess and mystery agent Ilsa Faust (Rebecca Ferguson), back from "Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation" (2015). CIA super-agent August Walker (Superman himself Henry Cavill with his famous mustache) is also forced to take over Ethan Hunt from Cruise for the departure of his co-pilot Erica Sloan (Angela Bassett).

The film takes place in Belfast, Berlin, Paris – where an "extraction" sequence resembling a "deal-gone-bad" shootout in John Frankenheimer's classic "Ronin" (1998) occurs – and d & # 39; ;other places. In one of the most galvanizing action scenes of the film, Hunt and Walker are trying not to tame a lonely young man (the incredible Chinese Liang Yang stuntman, "Game of Thrones") in the Men's room of a Parisian nightclub. Cavill, who is less stiff than usual, is like a foot taller than Cruise, but camera angles do wonders.

Cruise pushes the limits by flying a helicopter and skipping roofs and planes (with a daring cameraman under it). The 147-minute film written and directed by Christopher McQuarrie of "Rogue Nation", can be 60 minutes of fake cloak and dagger, 10-minute cruise imitating the Road Runner and, yes, again, those ridiculous "unmask" scenes.

But the cast is great, and the scenery, beautifully shot by Rob Hardy ("Ex Machina"), is spectacular. Like "Rogue Nation," "Fallout" was filmed with IMAX cameras, and a literally cliff-top conclusion in Kashmir is worth the wait. There is also Michelle Monaghan, Wes Bentley, Alec Baldwin, who takes care of a fight scene, and Wolf Blitzer. This PG-13 rating is a joke if you ask me. But if you see "Mission Impossible: Fallout" on a movie screen, pay more to see it in real IMAX. This is a pure action film for the eyes.

("Mission: Impossible – Fallout" contains extreme violence and short, strong language.)

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