Turkey presents TIKA's experience sharing program


By Cigdem Alyanak and Halis Akyildiz


The Turkish aid agency TIKA presented on Sunday its 2018 Exchange of Experiences Program, which aims to inculcate in Turkish students a sense of volunteering with various projects around the world.

This year, the Turkish Agency for Cooperation and Coordination (TIKA) will send about 500 Turkish students to 30 countries between Sunday 8 and Sunday 8 September, as part of its exchange program. 2018. These students will participate in nearly 100 projects and activities in their host countries.

Students will participate in projects in Niger, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Algeria, Djibouti, Chad, Morocco, Ghana, Georgia, Cameroon, Montenegro, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Colombia, Lebanon, Macedonia, Mozambique, Namibia, Uzbekistan, Romania, Senegal, Serbia, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Jordan, Moldova and South Africa.

The program will give students an opportunity to observe the efforts of TIKA and Turkish non-governmental organizations in their host countries.

They will participate in the implementation of projects related to the renovation and repair of schools, orphanages, libraries and places of worship, as well as the provision of 39; equipment. Students will also join social, cultural and humanitarian assistance activities.

TIKA aims to give a unique experience and a sense of global awareness through its volunteer programs.

Bilal Erdogan, president of the World Ethnosports Federation, also addressed students during the event.

"You will be proud of your country and your president, and [Turkish] institutions when you will see how valuable the name of Turkey, TIKA and [Recep Tayyip Erdogan] is in the countries you visit," Bilal said. Erdogan.

He also stated that although Turkey was the world's largest economy in 17th place, it was the first country to provide humanitarian aid around the world.

According to the World Report on Humanitarian Aid from the Development Initiative (ID), Turkey was the most charitable country in 2017, spending nearly $ 8.1 billion in the world. humanitarian aid.

The experience sharing program includes interaction between university students in Turkey and young people living in different regions of Africa, Asia, the Balkans and the Middle East , where TIKA supports development projects. It also aims to build "bridges of friendship" between students.

The program was organized for the first time in 2017 by TIKA in cooperation with Turkish Airlines, Anadolu Agency and state broadcaster Turkish Radio and Television (TRT).

Last year's program was attended by 220 students, who visited 19 countries and completed 28 projects.

Students traveled to Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Somalia, Tanzania, Kenya, Senegal, Guinea, Cameroon, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Uganda, Jordan and Lebanon. function () {
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