Two die of swine flu


The Ministry of Health reported that two people died of swine flu and 16 others were diagnosed with the H1N1 virus.

Health Minister Bernard Haufiku confirmed the deaths at a press conference. on the outbreaks of swine flu and hepatitis E.

"So far, two deaths have been reported and 16 laboratory cases confirmed," Haufiku said.

He said that the first death was that of a four-month-old boy. was admitted to a private facility and treated for flu-like symptoms, then tested positive for swine flu. The baby was tested positive for the flu after his death in Windhoek two weeks ago

The other fatality is a 45-year-old man who died at the Catholic Hospital in Windhoek.

According to the minister, infections are at their peak. during the winter, it was expected that more people would be infected with the H1N1 virus.

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