US bottom line on North Korea, Iran: complete denuclearization


Iran will probably have to accept a complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization in any future agreement with the United States, as well as North Korea, a senior diplomatic official said Friday.

"Nothing in the conduct of foreign policy is ever the Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Yleem DS Poblete, said in front of an audience at Washington

"The final state we must seek to successfully conclude any future agreement with Iran We must also inform and be informed of the final state we are seeking for North Korea "The inconsistency in our approach to one or the other of the negotiations would undermine our credibility and probably condemn the chances of successfully dealing with the threats to our security posed." by these actors and others. "

Demands that Pyongyang dismantle all its nuclear facilities FILE – Journalists look around the third tunnel of the Punggye-ri nuclear test site before it be destroyed during the pro Decommissioning cessation at Punggye-ri, North Hamgyong Province, North Korea, May 24, 2018. "src =" " />

DOSSIER – Journalists examine the third tunnel of the Punggye-ri nuclear test site prior to its destruction during the dismantling in Punggye-ri, North Hamgyong Province, North Korea, May 24, 2018

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reiterated Thursday to US Senate legislators that "the goal remains the final and fully verified denuclearization of North Korea as agreed upon by President Kim Jong Un"

The Trump administration has been more confrontational with Iran in recent weeks, with President Donald Trump in a tweet last Sunday against Iranian President Hassan Rouhani

"Never, ever threaten the United States. United or you are going to suffer Trump tweeted about what few people have known during history. "

John Bolton, National Security Advisor, also warned this week," If l & # 39; Iran does q whatever it is, it will pay a price like few countries.

Hard rhetoric, sanctions

Some analysts and former officials say that Trump could use hard rhetoric to drive Tehran to negotiations over its nuclear capabilities, similar to the tactics that were going on. he used in the race for talks with the leader of North Korea.

The United States and other world powers had an agreement to limit Iran's nuclear capabilities, the 2015 Global Action Plan, but Trump anno In 1965, the United States and other world powers had an agreement to limit Iran's nuclear capabilities, the 2015 Global Action Plan, but Trump anno International Atomic Energy Agency said Tehran continued to comply with the terms of the JCPOA.

  FILE - On this photo published by an official website of the office of the Iranian presidency, President Hassan Rouhani listens to explanations of new nuclear achievements at a ceremony to mark

DOSSIER – In this photo released by an official website of the Iranian presidential office, President Hassan Rouhani listens to explanations of new nuclear achievements at a ceremony marking the "National Energy Day" Iran, April 9, 2018.

Officials say they are ready to negotiate a new agreement with Iran, but they insist that any new agreement must also include Iran's missiles as well as its support for terrorist groups and other malicious activities. Meanwhile, the US should reimpose economic sanctions on Tehran.

"As far as possible for Iran, we will remain parties to the agreement, we will not leave the JCPOA provided that we can also benefit The head of the Iranian agency Atomic energy has since said that the country has not built a plant capable of producing 60 nuclear centrifuges per day, which is necessary if Tehran decides to increase its production of electricity. enriched uranium

"Complete spectrum of threats"

"Any new agreement must cover the full range of threats," said Minister Poblete on Friday. "It should deny in a verifiable and indefinite way Iran at all tracks of nuclear and other weapons, rather than containing, controlling or delaying it. "

Poblete also criticized Iran's ally Syria for its non-compliance. compliance with commitments The non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, suggesting that its nuclear activities continued despite the destruction of its reactor following an Israeli airstrike in 2007.

"Syria's inability to cooperate with the IAEA remains a subject of concern ". "Syria continues to make great efforts to deceive, conceal and divert the international attention from its perpetual non-compliance."

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