Warren becomes clean … now admits that she has six criminal convictions | Stories of lead


Carolyn Warren, the resigned executive director of National Energy Solutions Limited (NESol), owned by the government, has now admitted that she had six criminal convictions.

On Monday, she rejected the report as "false" by saying that she was ready to sue the people who were making the claim.

READ: Warren rejects new allegations of convictions

But Warren has now

She confirmed Friday that five of the convictions were for drug offenses resulting from three incidents dating back to 1995.

first conviction for theft was recorded in 1993.

Warren also stated The Gleaner that she now understands concerns about her inability to disclose convictions when she has postulated for NESol boss post

However, she insisted that she did not know that she was required to inform her new employers.

"This is the first time I work with the government, when I went to do my interview, no one asked me … If it was on paper, I Would have said "yes," she said.

Warren had first acknowledged that she had a criminal conviction dating back more than two decades, after the spokesperson of the United States. opposition to energy, Phillip Paulwell, made it public and called for his resignation

On Wednesday, Warren resigned as chief executive of NESol.

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