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July 22, 2018 – By Rene Reddy
<img src = "https://teletechwire.com/wp-content/uploads/logos/Logos/WAT.png" alt = "Waters Corporation (NYSE : WAT) Logo "title =" Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT) Logo "style =" float: left Investor confidence decreased to 0.9 in the first quarter of 2018. It fell 0.23 from 1.13 in the fourth quarter of 2017. It turned negative, 29 investors sold WAT shares and 185 reduced their positions 70.29 million shares, a decrease of 2.51% from 72, 10 million shares in the fourth quarter of 2017. Ameritas Investment has invested 0.02% in Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT), Wellington Waterpol Llp 0.04% in Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT) or 934,027 shares. Limited Liability Com invests 0.11% of its portfolio in Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT) Nomura has accumulated 16,270 shares Rampart Inv Mngmt Co. Limited has invested 0.11% in Waters Corpor (NYSE: WAT) for 5,570 shares. Com has invested 0% of its portfolio in Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT) Morgan Stanley has invested 0.03% in Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT) .Daiwa Grp Incorporated Inc. has invested 0.06% in Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT ) for 37,801 shares. Garrison Finance reported 1,641 entries. Trillium Asset Mngmt Llc has accumulated 0.62% or 56,523 shares. Bank & Trust Of America Corporation has 423,366 shares for 0.01% of its portfolio. Livforsakringsbolaget Skandia Omsesidigt reported holding 1,251 shares, or 0.01% of its total holdings. Convergence Inv Prtnrs has invested 0% of its portfolio in Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT). Ardevora Asset Management Llp reported a stake of 1.13%. Jaffetilchin Prns Limited Liability Corporation, a Florida-based fund reported 1,580 shares.
Since January 25, 2018, he had 0 insiders and 12 sales for 27.64 million shares. On Friday, January 26, BEAUDOUIN MARK T sold for $ 1.08 million of stock. Insider Rae Elizabeth B sold 28,400 shares worth $ 6.22 million. KUEBLER CHRISTOPHER A sold 7,084 shares valued at $ 1.48 million. The insider TERRICCIANO DAVID sold $ 318,002. Cassis Eugene G sold $ 1.88 million worth of shares on Wednesday, February 14. Shares of $ 278,826 were sold by Kelly Terrence P on Friday, March 9.
Stack Financial Management Inc. has reduced its interest in Waters Corp. 33.15% based on its last regulatory filing 2018Q1 with the SEC. Stack Financial Management Inc. has sold 38,699 shares, the company's share having lost 8.54% with the market. The institutional investor held 78,033 shares of the company's laboratory analytical instruments at the end of the first quarter of 2018, valued at $ 15.50 million, compared with 116,732 at the end of the previous quarter. Stack Financial Management Inc., which had invested in Waters Corp. for several months, seems to be less optimistic than the market capitalization company of $ 15.45 billion. Inventory decreased by 0.25% or $ 0.49 during the last trading session, reaching $ 197.15. Approximately 534,348 shares were traded. Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT) has grown 6.75% since July 22, 2017 and is up.
Analysts expect Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT) to report their profits on July 24. They expect a profit of US $ 1.92, up 9.09% or $ 0.16 from $ 1.76 last year. share. WAT's profit will be $ 150.42 million for 25.67 P / E if EPS of $ 1.92 becomes a reality. After real earnings per share of $ 1.59 reported by Waters Corporation in the prior quarter, Wall Street now expects earnings per share growth of 20.75%.
Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT) Rating Coverage
Among 10 analysts covering Waters (NYSE: WAT), 2 have Buy, 1 Sell and 7 Hold ratings. As a result, 20% are positive. Waters has had 17 analyst reports since January 24, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. The title of Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT) is quoted "Buy" given on Wednesday January 24 by Janney Capital. Morgan Stanley maintained WAT's shares in the report Wednesday, April 11 with the note "Equal-Weight". The title of Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT) was rated "Neutral" by Janney Capital on Tuesday, July 17th. The company was held on Wednesday, Jan. 24 by Barclays Capital. Citigroup maintained it with a "Neutral" rating and a target of $ 223 in its Wednesday, January 24 report. Jefferies maintained the rating of Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT) on Wednesday, April 25. Jefferies has a "Hold" rating and a $ 20,000 target. The action of Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT) earned the "Hold" rating from Jefferies on Tuesday, Jan. 23. The company was awarded the "Hold" rating on Tuesday, April 24 by Cowen & Co. The title of Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT) was given "Equal-Weight" on Friday, July 13 by Morgan Stanley. The Firm Achieved "Buy" Rating on Tuesday, April 24 by Robert W. Baird