Where do the ghost particles come from? These fragments of space could tell us how our universe is formed


There is a lot going on about the potential of life in galaxies, far, far away from humans that are still struggling to understand. One of these mysteries is the origin of the elusive ghost particle. After more than 100 years of research, astronomers and astrophysicists may have finally discovered where the ghost particles come from. Most ghost particles, known as neutrinos, travel to Earth from the sun, reported Mike Wall for Space.com. However, some ghost particles make a trip much longer.

A major breakthrough in a century of the Ice Glacier Observatory at the South Pole in Antarctica traced a ghost particle to "a huge elliptical galaxy with a fast rotating black hole supermassive to its core," also known as Blazar Wall also explained that ghost particles travel with cosmic rays, energetic particles that slam into the Earth.

The research was published in two articles in the journal Science and suggests that "Blazars can indeed be one of the long-sought sources of very high-energy cosmic rays." If you want to go into details (you could have a Ph.D. in astronomy or astrophysics to decode them) , go to the reports of Science which you can access by following these links: neutrino emissions and multimessenger observations.


r version Apid and dirty is that the source of high energy cosmic rays has long been considered extragalactic, which means that they indeed come from a galaxy far, far away. Perhaps one where Star Wars the Jedi Knights are actively beating the Dark Side.

The results provide preliminary evidence that we are not alone in the universe. "The coincidence of a IceCube alert with a flared blazar, combined with a neutrino eruption from the same object in IceCube archive data, identifies a likely source of high-energy cosmic rays", explains [19459005Science. While we often throw the word "black hole" into everyday conversation – as in "this email is lost in a black hole – black holes, or blazars" are a special type of superluminous active galaxy that projects two light jets and particles "Wall explained on Space.com


The researchers noted that multimessenger astrophysics, using two different signals to study the cosmos, could help further unravel the mystery of the universe, "Since they were detected in 1912, cosmic rays have posed a lasting mystery," notes a press release from the National Space Foundation: "What creates and has been propelling astronomers and astrophysicists for more than a century. em over great distances before they rain on Earth? Where do they come from? This question is finally about to be answered thanks to the dedicated teams of 20 observatories credited with participating in the discovery.

"The era of astrophysics multimessenger is there," said France Cordova, director of NSF in the press release. "Each messenger – electromagnetic radiation, gravitational waves, and now neutrinos – gives us a more complete understanding of the universe and important new ideas about the most powerful objects and events in the sky."

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" The need & # 39; ship all the components to build the detector in the holds of the military. The NSF IceCube, which became operational in 2010, is the culmination of a unique scientific and logistical enterprise.

just might be the proof Scully must believe once and for all that Mulder was right on the X-Files. The truth is there … and it is indeed hidden in a galaxy far, far away.

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