Why "Mission: Impossible" Works for Tom Cruise – And Other Movies Do not


Even though he excels like Ethan Hunt, it has been difficult for the actor to replicate this magic in other franchises.

The past two years have not been favorable to Tom Cruise's status as hero of action. In 2016, he again played the taciturn Jack Reacher in Jack Reacher: Never Go Back then in 2017 as head of The Mummy and American Made . These three films stumbled in one way or another – American Made was acquitted of his best and received good reviews, but it was not not really a success, The Mummy shared universe before it started and Jack Reacher earned $ 56 million less than his predecessor.

As Cruise is only four years of age 60 – yes, really – it's not wrong to wonder if his action-star days are far behind him. But Mission: Impossible – Fallout suggests that he still has life in it

Over the last two decades, Cruise has excelled when he plays the IMF agent, Ethan Hunt. Hunt was first introduced in 1996 in the adaptation of the TV show Mission: Impossible causing a daring and breathtaking intrusion into the CIA headquarters, repelling an attack from a helicopter life to the summit of a fast moving train, and more. As Cruise grows, he works more often in action films than in dramas – between the first and the second film M: I Cruise co-starred in Magnolia and Eyes Wide Shut a punch to two, he's not replicated since – but he's never better than when he's playing the IMF's agent besieged.

Fallout could easily have felt more or less the same thing. not for, among other things, the fierce commitment of Cruise to do everything it has to do to entertain people. Here, it means "almost kill yourself". The 147 minutes of this movie are not all devoted to action sequences that seem to indicate how Tom Cruise could have died on stage – the pre-title sequence is both sinister and deliciously sinuous with no d & # 39; severe action. But once Ethan and his new non-eager partner August Walker (a Henry Cavill mustache) of the CIA agent must make a HALO jump of more than 20,000 feet into the air in a Parisian nightclub, Fallout is not playing around. Yes, Cruise made that jump, just as he climbed a rope to take control of a helicopter in flight and jumped from one London building to the other. (Of course, as you may know, he fractured his ankle en route, in the finished film.)

It's hard to know exactly what makes the franchise Mission : Impossible so special for Cruise, which makes it work so well for his intense character. Films like Jack Reacher: Never Go Back and The Mummy suggest that Cruise is looking for other franchises to work on between M: I adventures. (Seeing that Cruise is later co-starred in a [Top Top Gun only reinforces this notion.) But few of those capture the ineffable essence of Cruise as does Ethan Hunt. In Fallout Hunt is at his most desperate. One of Ethan's refrains in Fallout resembles a cruise mission statement: "I will understand!" The tension in this statement is still wondering how . Ethan, of course, does not understand things at the last second, but what he does is always thrilling.

The same can not be said of these other potential franchises. (Hard to believe that we are only a distant year of Universal announcing that the Universe of Darkness with The Mummy which was a real do not count-your-chickens-up to they have a hash situation.) Part of that falls on something that Cruise can not control: its age. In Fallout Michelle Monaghan and Rebecca Ferguson return to play important women in Ethan's life, even though both actresses are much younger than him. It was laughable last year The Mummy when Cruise's hero had an amorous interest that was young enough to be his daughter, just as it was laughable when the main character was younger than Dr. Jekyll, played by Russell Crowe (who is younger than Cruise). In Fallout at least, there is an inevitable sense that Ethan becomes more tired, physically and mentally. He is still able to save the world, but he's not always so alert on his feet

Mission: Impossible – Fallout is a highlight of Tom Cruise's career. Frankly, over the last decade, he's had only a handful of standout movies; four of them were entered in this franchise. ( Edge of Tomorrow was also very entertaining, an exception in his recent filmography.) Although Tom Cruise is not without age, his intensity plays in his favor when he plays Ethan Hunt. A seventh mission: Impossible has not yet been officially enlightened, but we expect it to be in preparation. If Cruise can continue to understand how to make Ethan's exploits as brilliant as in this new entry, then it's almost worth stumbling between the two.

Mission: Impossible – Fallout

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