Wilderness Safaris celebrates 35 years of traveling with purpose


When Wilderness Safaris registered as a business in 1983, she was the first safari purveyor to realize that her financial rewards had to come back to the country and its people, thus ensuring sustainable protection of Botswana's wild diversity. According to Wilderness CEO Keith Vincent, while this approach is the cornerstone of ecotourism around the world today, it was a revolutionary philosophy in the early 1980s that distinguished Wilderness Safaris , and set the stage for the next three years. "For the past 35 years – even when we started in Botswana in 1983 with just a former Land Rover – there has always been a primary purpose for our ecotourism activities: to conserve and restore Africa." wildlife and wildlife by creating life-changing journeys and inspiring positive actions, "said Vincent

Wilderness Safaris currently owns and operates more than 40 camps and safaris, and has been chosen as one of the best wilderness areas in the world. Africa: Botswana, Kenya, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Reputation and operational experience allowed him to successfully win first-rate leases In 1965, the company travels nearly three million acres of over six million acres of stunning wildlife and wildlife sanctuaries, covering a portion of seven of the 11 biomes of Africa

The CEO said in same time that Wilderness shares the benefits of ecotourism with local communities

associating with them to ensure the future protection of Africa's spectacular wildlife heritage. In addition to pursuing many goals through his nonprofit partners, Children in the Wilderness and Wilderness Wildlife Trust, Vincent explained that Wilderness firmly believes that his greatest achievement so far is to have built a model of Sustainable business that does not compromise principles and that provides jobs, training, skills, careers, adjusted horizons, hope and a realistic alternative to less sustainable development.

"After 35 years in business, it's sometimes hard to remember to reach." However, at Wilderness Safaris, our reason for being is today even more firmly defined, rooted and embraced than ever before.

We know why we exist and we know what we are trying to accomplish, "he said.

In addition, Vincent pointed out that they are dedicated to conservation and to the restoration of the African wilderness, adding that their model is responsible and sustainable, changing people's perspectives on the planet and inspiring those who are exposed to it to change their lives and exercise their influence. "19659002]" Our travels are really changing lives, not only of our staff and community partners, but also of our guests and the thousands of people we reach each year.

Assuring our guests travel with determination, we hope to continue to build sustainable conservation economies in Africa and make the greatest positive difference for its wildlife and people, now and in the future. "

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