Your ties can reduce blood flow to your brain


Is it time to update the office dress code?

Like jeans or the little black dress, a suit and tie are considered timeless essentials, associated with class and professionalism. But you may want to reconsider the link as German researchers reveal why they call the accessory "socially desirable strangulation".

The study entitled "Should Stop Wearing Ties – Wearing a Tight Tie Reduces Cerebral Blood Flow" published in the journal Neuroradiology on June 30th.

Scientists at the Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital recruited 30 volunteers for the study, half of whom wore ties and half who did not wear them. The 15 participants wearing ties were ordered to tie a Windsor knot and tighten it to a mild discomfort

Under these conditions, participants underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ) to observe any potential difference. ] Each participant from both groups underwent three scans. The scans of the tie group included a loose tie with an unbuttoned collar, a tight tie with a button down collar, a loose tie, and an unbuttoned collar. The other group performed three scans without a tie.

It was found that men wearing ties had less blood flow to the brain than those who did not. It has been estimated to be around 7.5 percent lower, which may not cause significant symptoms, but could have an effect on how our brain works. Of course, this applies especially when the tie wearer spends the day in the office or in places where productivity is expected.

A flow of blood to the brain ensures that the body receives enough oxygen and glucose to function. many arteries. When a tie is a little tight, it can tighten these veins and slow down the flow.

In more severe cases, restricted blood flow to the brain can have serious consequences such as stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, hypoxia, etc. The authors noted that you will need to experience a decrease in blood flow of 10 percent or more to experience visible symptoms.

The study had a number of limitations. The size of the sample was rather small, for one. The research team also did not measure potential changes in thinking skills among the participants.

So in other words, it may be too early to burn all your ties. What people can take away from the study, maybe it's detaching our ties as well as our dress codes.

Overweight men, who have hypertension, have a history of heart disease or anything that might expose them to cerebral circulation problems need to be particularly neat.

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