Zanu PF ready to accept poll results


The ruling party, Zanu PF, has assured the African Union (AU) observation mission that he will accept the results of the harmonized elections of 2018, regardless of the winner.

A team of election observers from the AU held today in-camera discussions with Zanu PF officials on the state of election readiness.

Addressing ZBC news after the meeting, Zanu PF's secretary of administration, Obert Mpofu said that while the team asked whether the ruling party would accept the outcome of the poll, he was told that the ruling party is more than ready to accept the election results.

The meeting was held when the ruling party reaffirmed its commitment to peaceful, transparent and peaceful elections.

Meanwhile, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ambassador Simon SADC Ambassadors led by Mphakama Mbete of South Africa

The other two ambassadors are Predo Handrick Vaal Neto of Angola and Balbina Daes Piennar of Namibia.

The three ambassadors wanted to know the developments with a view to holding the Harmonized Elections on July 30

They praised the peace prevailing in the country and said that they hope the elections will stand in a quiet environment.

They also said that they hope the ZEC issue will be solved amicably. The ambassadors, who form a SADC troika, said their doors would be opened when there were unwelcome developments as Zimbabweans go to the polls.

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