Zim Airways ready to fly


The Herald

Africa Moyo Business Reporter
The government claims that one of the four long-haul aircraft acquired from Malaysia, the Boeing 777-200ER, has no mechanical problems and has been brought back to Kuala Lumpur which is a prerequisite even if it does not fly.
The planes have a strict maintenance regime, unlike vehicles, and these checks can not be made locally or on the mainland – because the aircraft does not have a license. 39 carried out in Kenya or South Africa – it was decided that it had to be brought back to Malaysia using the ferry permit obtained on its first delivery to Harare

The Minister of Transport and Development Joram Gumbo, said last week at the Herald Business According to media reports, the technical problems of the aircraft had been resolved, but he had been repatriated for routine maintenance.
"No plane has ever had any problems. What happened, is that when this plane arrived, we only got a ferry permit to bring it here with the hope that we would receive more of the same. (RBZ Governor John) Mangudya's money to pay our license fees. He could not pay our license fees, "said Dr. Gumbo.

" When a plane does not fly, even if it has a new piece, it must be maintained permanently. But because we can not ship it to South Africa or Kenya where it can be maintained, and because we can not do it here, we have brought it back to where it can be maintained.

maintenance because we did not get an operator license. "
The Boeing 777-200ER, and three others, were purchased for the purpose of taking over intercontinental flights.
The planes were to be operated by Zimbabwe Aviation and Leasing [ZALC]

In turn, ZALC would run the planes under the name of Zimbabwe Airways, a new national debt-free airline, which was registered in 2009.

The government established Zimbabwe Airways to prevent more aircraft from being seized by Debtors like this had been produced in London in 2011 at Gatwick International Airport.

In 2011, the Boeing 767-200 of Air Zimbabwe bearing the "Victoria Falls" registration was seized by American General Supplies at Gatwick International Airport. million debts for spare parts.

However, due to a significantly changed political environment following the arrival of the new administration headed by the President Mnangagwa, the threat of scrapping aircraft has decreased due to the re-engagement process already underway.

believes that it is now time for Air Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe Airways to come together under one committee, but that at the operational level, the former will focus on regional routes as the latter becomes intercontinental.

As Air Zimbabwe operates only two aircraft, the government contemplates that it can optimally play the role of bringing passengers to Harare from the region so that they are transported to European, Asian and American destinations by Zimbabwe Airways.

"Zim Airways was created because of the previous situation, but now because of the new dispensation we have to normalize it, and now that we have reengaged and we are reengaging everyone, there is ZALC is no longer needed because the owner of the company we call Zim Airways is the government.To operationalize it, we have now stated that Air Zimbabwe and Zim Airways must operate under one board and that we remove ZALC.

"On their daily operations, Air Zimbabwe – because of the type of equipment available to it and She must now focus on regional operations and we must also provide more equipment to Air Zimbabwe for him to mop passengers in Johannesburg, Gaborone, Lusaka, Kinshasa, DRC, Malawi, Maputo, Windhoek, among others, as we did in the past. "[1 9659004] Zimbabwe Airways needs $ 137,000 to obtain a license to operate. It is expected to get one when the balance of about $ 25 million has been paid.

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