Zimbabwe: The balance of deliveries of tobacco is 238m Kg


Deliveries of hot-air-dried tobacco in 2018 reached a record 238 million kilograms, the highest record ever recorded in the country's history. According to the latest statistics from the Office of Tobacco and Tobacco Industry (TIMB), farmers delivered this year 238 million kg worth $ 696 million.

177 million kg that were sold during the corresponding period last year.

Industry stakeholders speculate that the volume could reach 240 million kg this year.

Last Friday, contract producers sold TIMB's director of corporate communications, Mr. Isheunesu Moyo, said: "During the peak period, deliveries averaged 7 million kilos per day , but we now receive about a million kilograms of tobacco a day.

"The marketing season ends on Friday, July 27, 2018 and the last day of deliveries is Thursday, July 26th.

"The date of mop sales will be announced"

The 2018 marketing year was described by many farmers as a success because they had no price problems.

Most farmers said the prices were fair, although others argue that there should be no

In recent years, the highest price of tobacco auction has remained at $ 4.99 per kilo, while contract floor prices have increased

This year, the highest price on contract floors was $ 6.25 per kilo

The season started slowly with complaints Y potato virus, while other farmers complained that their harvest had been affected by delays.The beginning of the rainy season

The increase in tobacco production has been attributed to high prices and

Tobacco has acquired a strategic position in the economy because of its contribution to gross domestic product and foreign exchange earnings.

In Zimbabwe, more than three million people depend on the industry for their livelihood. [19659018] The land reform program launched by the government in the year 2000 saw more indigenous farmers produce tobacco in a move that empowered them economically.

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