Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell’s homes are vandalized


After McConnell’s Louisville home was marked in graffiti early Saturday morning, the Kentucky Republican called the incident a “radical temper tantrum.”

“Vandalism and the politics of fear have no place in our society. My wife and I have never been intimidated by this toxic playbook. We just hope our neighbors in Louisville won’t be too inconvenienced by it. this radical temper tantrum, “McConnell said in a statement. .

“Were’s (sic) my money” was scrawled on McConnell’s front door in what looks like white spray paint, according to photos of the scene taken by CNN affiliate WDRB.

The 5th Division of the Louisville Metro Police Department is investigating the case and has yet to identify any suspects, spokesman Dwight Mitchell said.

Early Friday morning, a San Francisco home owned by Pelosi was vandalized, according to the San Francisco Police Department.

“Unidentified suspects painted graffiti on the garage door and left a pig’s face on the sidewalk,” the police department said in a statement obtained by CNN.

The Special Investigations Division of the SFPD is investigating. CNN has reached out to Pelosi for comment.

The two separate incidents come as Senate Democrats and Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont unsuccessfully pushed for a Senate vote on $ 2,000 stimulus checks on Friday as the clock ticks down on the 116th Congress.

The effort was blocked by Senate Republicans, including McConnell, who widely argued that increased stimulus checks would not be the kind of “targeted relief” needed to address the economic distress caused by the pandemic, despite the fact that President Donald Trump called for this amount and the House of Representatives on Monday passed a measure to increase direct payments to Americans.

McConnell criticized the push to increase checks, repeatedly saying the amount was “just not the right approach” and repeating the argument that it was largely “socialism for the rich”.

Pelosi and the Democrats moved quickly to pass increased payment legislation after Trump complained over last week’s bipartisan effort that included $ 600 stimulus checks for many Americans. The House passed this bill on Monday.

The second stimulus package that Congress passed included direct payments of $ 600, half of the amount predicted in the first round of checks, which was sent out in the spring.

CNN’s Clare Foran and Ali Zaslav contributed to this report.


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