Nancy Pelosi told Dems that she wanted to see Trump 'in prison': report


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told senior Democratic officials on Tuesday that she wanted to see President Trump "in prison," according to a report.

The speaker would have made this remark while defending her position against an indictment of the president at an evening meeting with the Speaker of the Judiciary of the House, Jerry Nadler, and other great Democrats, according to Politico. .

"I do not want to see him charged, I want to see him in jail," she said, according to several Democratic sources aware of the meeting. Speaker of the House Adam Schiff, President of the Watch Elijah Cummings, Ways and Means President Richard Neal and Foreign Minister Eliot Engel also reportedly attended the meeting.

"I do not want to see him charged, I want to see him in jail."

– Remarks to Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, according to a report


Pelosi wants to hold the president accountable, sources said, but thinks voters should remove him from office in 2020, after which he could eventually face criminal charges.

Nadler and dozens of Democrats have asked Pelosi to hold impeachment hearings, but the speaker believes that there should be public and bipartisan support to start the process, according to Politico.

Pelosi has already said that the president's actions "are diabolical to the US Constitution."

A spokesman for Pelosi told the New York Post that lawmakers "have had a productive meeting on the state of play of the Mueller report." They agreed to keep all options on the table and to continue to adopt a bold auditory and legislative strategy as early as next week, in order to address the President's corruption and the abuse of power brought to light in the report. "

The spokesman did not directly ask if Pelosi had made the remark about Trump that had been attributed to him.


The House will hold hearings next week "on the alleged crimes and other misconduct set out in the report of the special advocate Robert Mueller".


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