NASA Curiosity Rover in a rare photo taken by a spaceship


It's just a blue dot on the red planet, but that did not stop the Curiosity rover from being in the sun.

The small robot rover was captured in an image taken aboard Mars reconnaissance orbiter and published by NASA. The May 31st photo shows the hard working rover exploring an area known as Woodland Bay.

"It's me," reads a tweet on the Curiosity Rover account, which has more than 4 million followers since the beginning of its mission in August 2012. "TThe reconnaissance orbiter on Mars took this picture of me, rolling around the intriguing rocks of the clay unit of Gale Crater. "

Most of Curiosity's photos are selfies or plans of the Mars landscape. The rover is currently exploring an area considered rich in clay, which could help scientists understand the history of water on the planet.

Last month, the machine took a picture of a mysterious white light appeared just a moment away. Images taken just before and after do not show this strange light.

the NASA Mars Recognition Orbiter discovered a new crater 50 feet wide in April, which would probably only be three years old. NASA also released an image of a landslide on Mars taken from the craft, which was launched in 2005 and went into Mars orbit in 2006.


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