Less than a week after closing the door of his overpowered vehicle, the historic opportunity of Mars Opportunity, NASA released the latest photo taken by the latter before a global Martian dust storm permanently reduced it to silence.
The photo was taken on June 10, 2018, which was the last time the US space agency got wind of the beloved rover. NASA stated that Opportunity's mission was completed on February 13, after eight months of no hearing.
NASA said it has attempted to re-establish communication with Opportunity over 1,000 times.
Originally, Opportunity was designed to travel 1,100 yards and 90 days on Mars. However, it has traveled more than 28 km on the red planet during its 15 years of surface. The theme of NASA's Wednesday 13 February press conference focused on the real importance of an outstanding opportunity and the number of scientists it inspired.
The last photo recently published on this link is visible below:
Opportunity and the Spirit rover landed on Mars in 2004 with the goal of seeking answers regarding the history of water on the planet. Spirit completed its mission in 2010, according to the space agency.
"Fifteen years on the surface of Mars not only testifies to a magnificent machine of exploration, but also to the dedicated and talented team that allowed us to expand our space of discovery of the red planet, "said John Callas, Opportunity project manager, to a previous statement on Opportunity.
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