NASA's Hubble captures the image of the dynamic death of stars


August 23 (UPI) – NASA and the European Space Agency (European Space Agency) released Friday the image of a dying star who, according to the agency, confused astronomers during their first study.

The NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope image released this week was thought to be an image of two separate objects, while in reality, the objects are a separate star in two lobes.

Although they have been recorded by astronomers as separate planetary bodies – NGC 2371 and NGC 2372 – the two lobes form a kind of planetary nebula.

The NGC 2371/2 nebula is formed when a star has begun to die, pushing its outer layers into space, leaving a stellar rest. In the photo, the two lobes of material are visible in the upper right and lower left corners, the superheated stellar rest being approximately equidistant from each other.

ESA scientists say that the remains of the star will continue to change over the next several thousand years, eventually dissipating lobes and remaining cooling to become a white dwarf star.


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