NASA’s Roman Space Telescope will be much more capable than Hubble


The Hubble Space Telescope has been in orbit for decades, and while still extremely useful, it is aging and NASA is preparing to replace it. One of the main observations made by the Hubble Space Telescope are images known as Hubble Ultra-Deep Fields. The future Roman Space Telescope will be much more capable of taking ultra-deep-field images than Hubble.

The Roman Space Telescope will be able to image 100 ultra-deep Hubble fields at the same time. Hubble has captured ultra-deep-field images since 1995. The former aimed the space telescope over a pristine area of ​​the sky for ten days, capturing a deep-field image with thousands of never-before-seen galaxies inside.

Since then, Hubble has achieved even longer exposures capturing more distant galaxies called Ultra Deep Field. The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will take similar images, but the area covered by the sky is 100 times larger than what Hubble can cover. Although it covers such a massively larger area, the Roman Space Telescope will provide images with the same sharpness and resolution as Hubble.

Astronomers say Roman’s observations will collect millions of galaxies, including hundreds that date back just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. These observations will facilitate research in several scientific fields, including the structure and evolution of the universe and the formation of stars over time.

Scientists say the vast field of vision provided by Roman will be a game-changer. The sight will allow scientists to sample not only an environment in a narrow field of view, but a variety of environments captured by a very wide view of the cosmos. Scientists expect to have a better idea of ​​where and when star formation occurs.


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