National Security Guard asks fans to calm down during Bryce Harper's return


David Hookstead | Journalist

Washington nationals apparently hate freedom and do not encourage sportsmen.

Bryce Harper returned to Washington DC on Tuesday night after signing with the Phillies. It was a fun game and Philadelphia won 8-2. (RELATED: Bryce harp Signs with the Phillies)

However, a video has been gaining ground for a day and is not good for the Nats. A security guard can be seen telling Phillies fans to calm down.

Look at the weird situation below.

The last time I checked, I had my feet in America and in this country people have the right to shout about sports events as they wish.

We did not invade the Normandy beaches and went to the moon so the security guards could tell people to shut up.

We have done these things in order to constantly remind the world that we have more freedom and that we are colder than they are. (RELATED: Fans of US nationals Boo Bryce Harper on his return to Washington D.C.)

This country is only talking about power, and telling paying fans that they should not be as noisy as they want, it's like it's coming straight from Pyongyang, North Korea. Are we now a country that supports communism?

I did not mean it. Hopefully, we are learning from this painful experience and we are committed to ensuring that it never happens again.

I'm not even a Phillies fan, but freedom does not have a specific jersey. When we see oppression and our freedom erase us, we must all come together. That's what America is.

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