NBA Draft: Warriors Expect Trade Options To Come Later


The 2021 NBA Draft is just around the corner. No, I said that last week. The 2021 NBA Draft is closer than just around the corner. We’re halfway through the turn, we’ve just climbed to the top and downshifted, and we smash the gas pedal as we head into the air stream.

At this stage in the preparation of the project, everything has been discussed ad nauseam. We know where the Golden State Warriors will be drafted and who will likely be available at each location. We know the strengths and weaknesses of prospects, and we know which are considered winning moves now and which are considered high risk, high reward potential stars.

We’ve looked at countless fictional drafts (including mine) and disagree with the mocked players of the Dubs (especially mine). We’ve seen trade offers for everything from other draft picks to superstars.

Normally at this point – a few days before the project – we have discussed everything that will be discussed. Usually it’s just time to sit down and wait for the action to unfold.

But maybe not this time.

Warriors general manager Bob Myers met the media on Monday and shared an interesting revelation: Everything happens at the end of the year. Offers and ideas that would normally have been old news for the team per Draft Week are only now starting to arrive. Myers said the current plan is to use both picks – # 7 and # 14 – but the plan could change within the hour.

“The league has never run closer to the deadline than it does now, and things have never gone faster,” Myers said. “Today, I received commercial stuff which – it’s Monday, the project is in three days – which had never been discussed. Brand new. We – I can blame myself too – in the GM community have kind of rushed all of this action for the last couple of days. And maybe that’s the concept of “I’m not going to get a real offer unless it’s close to draft.” But today, right now, yeah: we’re writing seven and 14. Don’t be mad if we don’t do it in three days.

It reminds us of what we knew all along: The Warriors would explore options and be aggressive in trading, but would be willing to use their draft picks unless a home run offer arose.

Usually three days before the draft we have a good idea if a home run offer has arrived, or if it is being discussed. But it looks like there may be rumors, reports, and business ideas emerging in the next few days that haven’t been on our radar – or which we’ve dismissed.

It’s the modern NBA, and not only are teams changing their minds dramatically and quickly, but so are the players. Athletic’s Anthony Slater reports that the Warriors are still open to taking part in Bradley Beal’s draw if it becomes available, and that the draft is a bit all or nothing for the Dubs, saying, “They’ll add either two. recruits to a roster trying to merge two eras or blow up the youth movement for a big name, then spend the remaining days filling all the vacancies in a pure win-now approach.

Well, those are definitely contrasting options, aren’t they?

Beal is important because we’ve seen countless NBA players – stars, in particular – apply for a trade out of the blue. There is at least some smoke with Beal – and there has been for a few years – so while we shouldn’t expect the news he demands, we shouldn’t be driving to Vegas for either. bet he won’t either.

But maybe it’s not just Beal. The traction could resume with another star that would be available, like Damian Lillard, Ben Simmons or Pascal Siakam. A 1B star could get asked, or a team could sour on a player. A rebuild team might decide it’s time to speed up the timeline when they realize Jonathan Kuminga might be available at No.7.

We don’t know, that’s the point, and it’s a rarity at this point in the pre-draft process. What we do know is that the Warriors are ready to use their picks and, according to Slater, currently eyeing Kuminga, Moses Moody and James Bouknight with the No.7 pick, and Davion Mitchell and Chris Duarte with the No.14 take. .

These players would look great in a Warriors jersey, but a proven star would too. We won’t know until the eleventh hour if one is available.


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