NBA: Wizards have 6 players with COVID-19, 9 more under protocol


The Washington Wizards held a press conference with the media on Friday afternoon to address the team’s situation. Six players have tested positive for the coronavirus since last Tuesday, according to chief executive Tommy Sheppard. Nine other players are under coronavirus protocols but did not test positive on Friday. Players are tested twice a day and that may change.

Since there are 15 players with the coronavirus and / or are on protocol, this effectively means that almost the entire team is affected.

Sheppard also mentioned that of the six players with the coronavirus, four are asymptomatic, but two have mild symptoms. No player who has the virus is willing to say they have it, which is due to HIPAA.

There has been speculation that the Wizards are the “source” of the outbreak as they played against other teams who got positive cases soon after playing in Washington. Sheppard said the Wizards do not have any coaches or other staff to get the coronavirus to date.

Whether the Wizards were the source of the league’s outbreak by the NBA or not, neither Sheppard nor Brooks wanted to point the finger at the NBA for their current situation. They recalled that the team followed the protocols in their facilities. No trainer or staff member has tested positive for COVID-19 since Monday. Sheppard also said the NBA knew there could be a team heavily affected by the coronavirus. Unfortunately, these are the wizards right now.

Head coach Scott Brooks was also at the press conference. He said he hopes to get the team back to practice early next week given their next game is on the road against the Charlotte Hornets on January 20. However, the team reportedly resort to Zoom workouts in the interim.

It’s great to hear that no Wizards coach or staff member has been affected by the coronavirus, at least for now. And it’s great to see that most of the players are asymptomatic. However, Washington is not quite out of the woods just yet as players are resting and hopefully starting to play games again in the not too distant future.


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