NBC draws huge numbers for Notre Dame-Clemson


The games with the Notre Dame and Clemson hype on Saturday night often didn’t live up to the bill, but this one had it all.

A quick start by the underdog, high profile takes, controversial calls, back and forth, late comeback and a pair of overtime to boot.

All of this, coupled with the fact that the most anticipated Saturday Night Live of the year of the year was pushed back, made NBC a huge winner in the audience game on Saturday night, with the game averaging a full audience. of 9.44 million viewers according to NBC, making it the most watched Notre Dame game on NBC since the famous “Bush Push” contest in 2005.

Dave Chappelle hosting Saturday Night Live to wrap up Election Week certainly didn’t hurt matters either, as some looking for that as the game went into a second overtime helped the audience peak at 14, 2 million viewers from 11:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. ET.

Notre Dame’s home season, the 30th of which aired on NBC, ends on December 5 when Irish host Syracuse at 2:30 p.m. ET.


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